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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Iraq Cry: Al-Sisi’s a Jew! Egypt is Now Israeli-Occupied Territory | Veterans Today

Note: The Muslim Brotherhood has been an operation of British MI6 Royal Arch Freemasonry for many decades. That makes them khafir to the Ummah.

Without its Christians in the center of belief in God and His Messiah Jesus Christ, the long slow slide to the Antichrist for Palestine, begun when Persia was still an empire ruled by Magians and Zoroastrians and Palestine was Roman, will come to pass.

Iraq Cry: Al-Sisi’s a Jew! Egypt is Now Israeli-Occupied Territory | Veterans Today

Al-Sisi’s a Jew! Egypt is Now Israeli-Occupied Territory | Veterans Today


Al-Sisi’s a Jew! Egypt is Now Israeli-Occupied Territory

Greater Israel Project – a long-standing Zionist scheme to steal all
the land between the Nile and the Euphrates – is halfway there.
They just stole the Nile.
The problem is not that Egypt’s new thug-in-chief, General Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi, is a Jew. (His mother, Malikah Titani, is a Moroccan Jew from Asefi, which makes al-Sisi a Jew and an automatic citizen of Israel.)
the Egyptian people want to elect a Jew president in a free and fair
election – like they elected the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) to the Lower
House with 73% of the vote, the Upper House with 80% of the vote, the
presidency with 52% of the vote, and approved the MB Constitution with
64% of the vote – that’s fine with me.
problem is that al-Sisi has concealed his Jewish identity and Israeli
connections from the Egyptian people…and destroyed their nascent
democracy through deception and mass murder.
even bigger problem: al-Sisi is almost certainly a Mossad agent. That
means al-Sisi’s Egypt is not just a brutal, banana-republic-style
dictatorship. It is Israeli-occupied territory: The newest and largest
province of ever-expanding Greater Israel.
uncle, Uri Sibagh (sometimes spelled as Sabbagh) served in the Jewish
Defense League (Hamagein) from 1948 to 1950, made his aliyah to Israel,
and became a bigwig in Ben Gurion’s political party, serving as the
secretary of the Israeli Labor Party in Beersheba from 1968 to 1981.
Uri’s sister – al-Sisi’s mother – presumably emigrated to Egypt on a
mission from the Mossad. That mission culminated when the Mossad
overthrew President Morsi and installed its agent al-Sisi in the coup
d’état of July 3rd, 2013.
implication: Al-Sisi has been a lifelong Mossad agent. His mission:
infiltrate the highest levels of power in an Arab Muslim country.
Al-Sisi is today’s version of Elie Cohen, who infiltrated the highest
levels of power in Syria under the name Kamal Amin Thabet before he was
exposed and hanged in the public square in Damascus.
H.W. Bush’s famous line, “If the people knew the truth, they would
chase us down the street and lynch us” applies – in spades – to al-Sisi.
has been widely reported in the mainstream media, as well as by more
reliable sources, that al-Sisi has long served as the Egyptian
military’s liason with Israel. During the coup d’état of July 3rd, al-Sisi was in permanent liason by telephone with the Israeli and American militaries. (Israel promised its full support, and guaranteed that US aid would not be cut off, while the US waffled.)
Egyptian coup, especially its propaganda component, had all the
earmarks of an Israeli black op. A massively financed campaign run
through Egypt’s Israeli-linked mainstream media (yes, the same folks own
big media there as here) repeatedly compared President Morsi to Adolf Hitler!
The fact that “Morsi = Hitler” was the number one talking point of the
forces behind the coup reveals that those forces were Zionists, not
Egyptians. Apparently the Zionists couldn’t stop themselves from making
reflexive Dr. Strangelove-style anti-Hitler salutes while they were orchestrating the al-Sisi coup – thereby giving their game away.
the coup, Israel has been lavishing praise, money, and support on
al-Sisi.  Mossad agent al-Sisi has virtually declared war on Palestine
by going all-out to close the Gaza border tunnels that keep the people
of Gaza alive. Meanwhile, al-Sisi has taken billions of dollars from the
Rothschild puppets and likely donmeh crypto-Jews who call themselves the “House of Saud.”
the Zionist-dominated West and its Middle Eastern puppets will not
allow Muslims to elect relatively honest leaders in free elections.
Instead, they will use deception and violence to pursue their schemes
for regional and global domination.
Egyptian people – who elected the Muslim Brotherhood by a greater
landslide than any US political party has won in all of American history
– need a real Islamic revolution to create a genuine democracy. Without
it, Egypt will indefinitely remain “a boot stamping on a human face –
forever”…and a permanent province of Greater Israel, ruled by a
Jewish-Zionist thug who has appointed himself pharaoh, while hiding his
real background and loyalties.

Europa & Middle East News >> Kawther Salam - Egypt As A Role Model: An Opportunity Lost

Egypt As A Role Model: An Opportunity Lost

مصر تسير على خارطة الطريق إلى القمع
open democracy-1Open DemocracyRawia M Tawfik Amer, a lecturer at the faculty of Economics and Political science, Cairo University. She holds the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Oxford. She writes on issues of African political economy.
The January 25th uprising offered Egypt the opportunity to become a role model for peaceful transition in the region and beyond. But with the hijack of the will of the people almost completed, Egypt is moving further away from realising democracy.
The 25th of January 2011 revolution was not only about promoting the freedom and dignity of Egyptians at home, but also restoring the pre-eminence of Egypt regionally and internationally. Protestors who took to the streets for eighteen days were expressing their grievances against Mubarak’s domestic policies, and disappointment at their country’s declining role in regional politics. On the third anniversary of the revolution, Egypt seems to have lost its way towards democracy, and the opportunity to present a model of peaceful transition in the Arab world and Africa.  
The uprising promised to usher in a new phase in Egypt’s contribution to the struggle for democracy and socio-economic rights in the region and beyond. Leading Arab and African intellectuals and activists, including Khair El-Din Haseeb, Azmi Bishara, Larbi Sadiki, Mahmoud Mamdani, Horace Campbell, to mention a few, celebrated the revolution emphasizing the symbolism of Tahrir Square as a space that brought together Egyptians from different religious, political and social backgrounds to defend a common cause. In her keynote speech at the 4th European Conference on African Studies in Uppsala in June 2011, the noted African scholar Oyeronke Oyewumi criticised the media and academic labeling of the revolution as an ‘Arab spring’ insisting that it was also an ‘African spring’.
The mass demonstrations in Egypt triggered an ‘African Awakening’ that manifested itself in subsequent unnoticed protests in other African countries. In Cameroon opposition figures led demonstrations to contest Paul Biya’s life-time presidency a few days after the toppling of Mubarak. More than a year later, on the 30th anniversary of Biya’s rise to power, another wave of protests emerged, though on a more limited scale. Further north in West Africa, young activists in the Mauritanian opposition parties formed a coalition that organized protests to force the government of Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz to introduce political and social reforms. The demands raised by the coalition included restructuring civil-military relations, reforming the electoral law, and introducing measures to combat corruption and nepotism. In Sudan, in spite of police crackdown against political activists, the new youth movements moved from pressuring for social justice to mobilizing for toppling the ruling National Congress Party.  In South African townships participants in service delivery protests referred to the site of their protest as Tahrir Square.
These examples, among many others, indicate that Egypt became a role model for nations seeking peaceful political and social change. In this sense, the revolution promised to help Egypt restore its regional role as an exemplar; a role that it had lost since the 1970s. For almost four decades, Egypt’s subsequent economic crises, coupled with mismanagement and bad governance, left it in an unfavourable position compared to oil exporting countries of the Gulf. Its role in conflict resolution had increasingly been challenged by other regional actors (Qaddafi’s Libya in the African continent and Saudi Arabia and Qatar in the Middle East). It was only through attempting to revive its soft power that Egypt could have stood a chance to improve its image. The January 25th revolution provided such a chance.
But where does Egypt stand three years after the revolution? To the frustration of revolutionaries who waited so long for change, democratic transformation was aborted by conservative forces at home and in the region. Young activists who inspired the world with their peaceful uprising are now targeted by the police and defamed in the media. Instead of promoting freedom and dignity, Egypt, especially after the 3rd of July 2103, is steadily moving along a ‘Roadmap to Repression’, to borrow the title of a recent report by Amnesty International.
At the same time, with an economy struggling under conditions of political instability, Egypt has become more reliant on loans and grants from Arab Gulf countries. The flow of cash from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, estimated around $17 billion in the last 6 months, has provided a temporary relief to the military-backed government. It has also meant that these countries have successfully contained the Egyptian revolution and sustained Cairo’s dependence on Gulf money.  
As far as Africa is concerned, the post-Morsi transitional government has been struggling to resume Egypt’s participation in the activities of the African Union which suspended Egypt two days after the 3rd of July military coup. According to the Union’s principles, the overthrow of a democratically elected president is an ‘unconstitutional change of government’ that entails the suspension of the country until constitutional order is restored. For the first time in fifty years, Egypt, one of the founders of the Organisation of African Unity and the AU, was not allowed to take part in the annual continental summit that took place in the last week of January. Moreover, the transitional government was not invited to attend the first African- American Summit that takes place in Washington in August this year. Egypt’s confrontation with the AU may get further complicated with the expected running of Field Marshall Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, the Minister of Defense, and the key figure in the 3rd of July coup, for presidency. According to the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance, ‘the perpetrators of unconstitutional change of government shall not be allowed to participate in elections held to restore the democratic order or hold any position of responsibility in political institutions of their State’. Even if the new government manages to influence African governments to reverse Egypt’s suspension, it would do so in breach of the organisation’s principles. Thus, instead of presenting an exemplar in respecting AU’s principles and developing Africa’s international relations, Egypt is losing opportunities and tools for relating to the continent and representing it in multilateral fora.   
Interestingly, it is not only African governments that are having a problem understanding and accepting what happened on the 3rd of July and its aftermath, but also some African scholars and civil society organisations. South African trade unions that supported the move of the Egyptian masses on the 25th of January 2011 wondered how the same masses now celebrate the erosion of democracy and welcome the domination of militocracy on Egyptian politics. The Nigerian scholar Adekeye Adebajo described the coup as the ‘worst form of mob rule’. A few days after the coup, Horace Campbell rightly anticipated that the military and its allies would be ready to use ‘the excuse of violence and security to hijack the will of the people’.  
With this hijack almost completed, Egypt moves further away from realising democracy and, subsequently, loses an opportunity to be the model in regional politics.

أوبن ديمكراسي: مصر تسير على خارطة الطريق إلى القمع
rawya-tawfeqوطن – نشرت راوية محمد توفيق عامر المحاضرة في كلية الإقتصاد والعلوم السياسية في جامعة القاهرة  جامعة القاهرة تقريرا لها يوم أمس (على الرابط التالي) في مجلة “أوبن ديمكراسي” البريطانية جاء في ملخصه إن ثورة 25 يناير منحت مصر الفرصة لتصبح نموذجا يحتذى به في التحول السلمي في المنطقة وخارجها إلا أن عملية اختطاف الإرادة الشعبية قد اكتملت تقريبًا وباتت مصر تتحرك بعيدًا عن الديمقراطية
وتابعت المحاضرة تقول: أن ثورة يناير لم تعزز من حرية وكرامة المصريين في الداخل فقط، بل ساعدت أيضًا في استعادة هيمنة البلاد على المستوى الإقليمي والدولي، لكن مع الذكرى الثالثة للثورة يبدو أن البلاد قد فقدت طريقها نحو الديمقراطية والانتقال السلمي على المستوى العربي والإفريقي
وأضافت أن “الثورة الماضية يبدو أنها وعدت بالدخول في مرحلة نضالية جديدة من أجل الديمقراطية والحقوق الاجتماعية والاقتصادية في المنطقة وخارجها”، لافتة إلى أن كبار المثقفين والناشطين العرب والأفارقة مثل خير الدين حسيب وعزمي بشارة ومحمود ممداني وهوراس كامبل أكدوا على رمزية ميدان التحرير باعتباره الساحة التي جمعت المصريين من مختلف الخلفيات الدينية والسياسية والاجتماعية للدفاع عن قضية مشتركة
وأردفت أن “مصر قادت ما يسمى بـ “الصحوة الإفريقية” والتي تجلت في عدة دول مثل الكاميرون وموريتانيا وبلدات بجنوب إفريقيا، لافتة إلى أن هذه الأمثلة تشير إلى أن مصر باتت نموذجًا يحتذى به للدول الساعية للتغيير السياسي والاجتماعي، ليس هذا فحسب بل ساهمت الثورة في استعادة البلاد لدورها الإقليمي الذي فقدته منذ عام 1970 أي ما يقرب من أربعة عقود شهدت خلاله أزمات اقتصادية متتابعة مع سوء الحكم والإدارة كل هذا تركها في وضع حرج وذلك بالمقارنة مع الدول المصدرة للبترول في الخليج
ورأت المجلة أن ثورة يناير قدمت الفرصة كي تلعب مصر دورًا فعالاً في حل النزاعات الإقليمية تحسين صورتها وذلك بالاشتراك مع دول مثل ليبيا والسعودية وقطر. وطرحت تساؤلاً قالت فيه: “أين تقف مصر الآن بعد ثلاث سنوات من الثورة ؟”، لتجيب بأن عملية التحول الديمقراطي والثوار الذين انتظروا طويلاً من أجل التغيير تم دحضهم من خلال قوى داخلية، لافتة إلى أن الناشطين الشباب الذين أبهروا العالم بانتفاضتهم السلمية مستهدفون الآن من قبل الشرطة والتشهير في وسائل الإعلام بدلاً من الترويج للحرية والكرامة خاصة بعد ثورة يونيو
وتساءلت, ولكن أين تقف مصر اليوم بعد ثلاث سنوات من الثورة؟؟ إلى الإحباط الذي أصاب الثوار الذين انتظروا طويلا من أجل التغيير، تم إحباط التحول الديمقراطي من خلال القوى المحافظة في الداخل وفي المنطقة. الناشطين الشباب الذي ألهموا العالم مع انتفاضتهم السلمية الآن هم مستهدفون من قبل الشرطة والتشهير بهم في وسائل الإعلام.  بدلا من الترويج للحرية و الكرامة
ومصر لاسيما بعد 3 يوليو 2103، و تسير بخطى ثابتة على طول ‘ “خارطة الطريق إلى القمع”، وذلك وفقا عنوان تقرير صدر مؤخرا عن منظمة العفو الدولية
لافتة إلى أنه في الوقت ذاته, مع الاقتصاد المتعثر وفي ظل ظروف عدم الاستقرار السياسي، أصبحت مصر أكثر اعتمادا على القروض والمنح المقدمة إليها من دول الخليج العربي. و تدفق السيولة النقدية من المملكة العربية السعودية والكويت والإمارات العربية المتحدة، والتي تقدر بنحو 17 مليار دولار في الستة أشهر الماضية، قدمت كإغاثة مؤقتة إلى الحكومة المدعومة من الجيش. وهذا يعني أيضا أن هذه الدول المانحة قد عملت بنجاح على إحتواء الثورة المصرية وجعلت القاهرة تعتمد على اموال الخليج

1 comment to Egypt As A Role Model: An Opportunity Lost

  • Scott Shepard
    The pitiful decline of Egypt continues through yet another year. Once the strongest Arab Muslim state, the one other countries of the east had to respect. The slide began, perhaps, with Nasser’s failed war against Israel in 1967. But after that, at least Egyptians, and Arabs, knew that Egypt had courage, and Egypt knew who the bad guys were. But when Sadat followed the face saving ‘draw’ of 1973 up with a shocking peace treaty with Israel, that is when the slide truly began. Nothing has reversed it.
    Yes the generals managed to ruin the economy over the decades. But at least Egypt commanded respect and had to be feared, all that time. After Sadat’s shameful deal with Israel, Egypt vanished from the world stage. Israel never feared Egypt again, and soon nobody in the region paid any attention to Egypt any more. In exchange, Egypt had nothing to show for its deal. Some sand that it could have gotten back in other ways.
    Since that time Mubarak got used to treating Israel as some kind of partner of regional management. Israel and Mubarak had to rein in the Palestinians, like parents waving a long stick at naughty children. Perhaps because of the approval and assistance of the Americans, Mubarak thought this was a good deal, to help police the Palestinians.
    Then finally miracle of miracles we get rid of Mubarak and a Muslim country finally begins to live like a Muslim country. Morsi gets less than one year to fix all of the damage of forty years of military rule, and he could not succeed in that.
    I recall the cheering in the streets when the Brotherhood, after their months of elected governance, were driven from power, and Morsi whisked away. I don’t know the percentages of the population who thought Egypt was going to be improved by replace Morsi for the general. But I doubt it was a majority. Maybe it was like the Iranian ‘majority’ that still supports the Pahlavi dynasty, which is to say, about 10 or 20 percent.
    When the elected Brotherhood was driven out, I was immediately worried, and believed the result would be a dictatorship all over again. I could see no reason why the generals would submit to elections again. They can’t win.
    It turned out much as I expected. They are worse than Mubarak/Sadat/Nasser. They think they will crush the Brotherhood forever.
    And Egypt’s position in the world? Under Nasser, and the first years of Sadat, Egypt commanded respect, with all of its weaknesses. But it is the days of Mubarak all over again. Egypt is once again the toothless army that works for Israel, blowing up tunnels from Gaza, checking Palestinian IDs. Even Saudi Arabia, which never commanded fear in the region, has more influence today than Egypt. Egypt waits for handouts from Saudi Arabia. What a downfall.
    Meanwhile the Americans are so clueless they don’t know what to do. Obama, Clinton, Kerry, they think they want democracy but they so fear the Palestinians that they won’t criticize Abdul al Sisi. Even though Morsi was far more moderate than their wildest dreams, he was not cooperative enough. Never enough. But a dictator, that is something the Americans can take comfort in. Just as the Israelis. To sleep peacefully at night, the Americans and the Israelis need to know that dictators rule all the Arab and Muslim countries. Dictators they can bribe.
    So, will the Egyptian people continue to tolerate this humiliation? We shall see.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Justice of God: Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: The BROAD way to hell - forever.

The Justice of God: Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: The BROAD way to hell - forever.

John 14:6 Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me. 

Matthew 28:19
Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Baptism (14)

 Matthew 1:17 So all the generations, from Abraham to David, are fourteen generations. And from David to the transmigration of Babylon, are fourteen generations: and from the transmigration of Babylon to Christ are fourteen generations.

 Matthew 7:13 Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. 


The Promised Land - Canaan, the Holy Land of Our Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God 
click on picture - scroll through all articles


_鬼: Hindu Buddhist – total Satanism 
click on picture


Ecumenism which is Idolatry
click on picture

Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: The BROAD way to hell - forever.

Isis, the ancient summation and source of all the mother of harlots and Summerian-Assyro/Babylonian-Indian Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and demons and gods and goddesses. All of which are poured down upon humanity through the demon gate of Buddhism (between Jupiter [Zeus] and Saturn [Satan] in the Solar System) and have their original source in the ancient Summerian primeval sea of Nammu ('Nammu' is the first part of the black magic invocation of the demons and devils behind the idols throughout the Far East, especially in the opening of the demon eye ceremonies).
Isis and Horus as Mary and Christ in the Merovingian Gnostic heresy.

13 And I saw from the mouth of the dragon and from the mouth of the beast and from the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits like frogs.
14 For they are the spirits of devils, working signs: and they go forth unto the kings of the whole earth, to gather them to battle against the great day of the Almighty God.
15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
16 And he shall gather them together into a place which in Hebrew is called Armagedon.

Tyche was the goddess which was the summation, in the Graeco-Egyptian religion of the Graeco-Roman world, of all goddesses and therefore the beginning and end of all the poytheistic gods and goddesses of the ancient mediterranean world. The Cumaean, Tiburtine and Delphic sibyls were the principal fortune tellers of the Roman empire which would convince the citizens of the empire of the will of Rome (the beast from the sea). The beast from the earth was the false prophet i.e. sorcerers and magicians and Caesar himself as pontifex maximus of the Roman religion. The three spirits out of the mouth of the dragon and the beast and the false prophet are the three sibyls above.

17 ¶ And the seventh angel poured out his vial upon the air. And there came a great voice out of the temple from the throne, saying: It is done.
18 And there were lightnings and voices and thunders: and there was a great earthquake, such an one as never had been since men were upon the earth, such an earthquake, so great.
19 And the great city was divided into three parts: and the cities of the Gentiles fell. And great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give her the cup of the wine of the indignation of his wrath.
20 And every island fled away: and the mountains were not found.
21 And great hail, like a talent, came down from heaven upon men: and men blasphemed God, for the plague of the hail: because it was exceeding great.
The precursor in Egypt, of Tyche as mother goddess summation of all the gods/goddesses, is the triple goddess Isis represented and invocated as Selene-Mene-Hecate. This is the absolute worst of the virgin goddess of black magic/sorcery in the history of the world. The representation is Isis as sorceress in her lunar and chthonic form united to the sky above and ruler of earth in between standing on the globe of the world around which a serpent is coiled. One statue still extant today of Isis as this sorceress is the Farnese Isis (Naples Museum). She holds the Intaglio (magic ring of the serpent uroboros, the serpent that eats it own tail). The formula of consecration is invoked by the power of the serpent with the crescent moon with two stars one on each end of the horns of the crescent moon forming the tang of the sorcerer/sorceress with the sun of Abraxas, the ancient god of all sorcery and black magic surmounted above that. Any resemblance to the false representation of Mary as the Immaculate Conception especially as shown on the so-called "Miraculous Medal" standing on the globe of the earth is NOT ACCIDENTAL.
In the fifth/sixth century A.D. the Syrian writings of Pseudo-Dionysios first appeared and were later added to. In this the ancient pagan idea of synthesizing, that is combining all the ancient gods/goddesses, an idea going back to the Graeco-Egyptian Hermes Trimegistus (Apollyon appearing as Hermes thrice blessed - a pagan false trinity), was put forth in gnostic psuedo christian dress. Included was Mary as the summation of all that is divine, i. e. the mother triple goddess. Sergei Bulgakov was condemned by his own church, the Russian Orthodox Church, as a heretic, in the first part of the 20th century for this same thing, in which Bulgakov attempted to make Mary the Hupostasis of God and the divinity by which each of the Three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity of the True God is approached and in no other way. In short, it is a sophism to make her the triple goddess and replace the worship of the True Trinity with polytheistic/pantheism. This worship of Satan in place of the True God, the Most Holy Trinity will only bring utter destruction upon the earth.
In the summation of all Heresies and Apostasies and Blaspheming of the Holy Spirit known as Vatican II, Bulgakov's blasphemous system was inculcated by name and in this same false teaching of Bulgakov to make the Antitheotokos the virgin goddess of black magic to support all of the false apparitions (heretofor condemned), supposedly of Mary, and make these apparitions accepted and thereby bring in KNOWINGLY the Gnostic evolutionary Monism - Pantheism of this "ecumenical council of thieves".

For instance the Gnostics, according to the Church Fathers, basing themselves on the Naasseni (the apostate Jewish serpent worshipping Satanist priesthood cult which is the base for all Kabalah and the Zohar) copied much of their doctrine from Platonism, Graeco-Egyptian paganism and far eastern religiosity and claimed, totally falsely, that this is what Jesus taught. It is not at all what Jesus taught nor at all what Moses taught. The Gnostic doctrines are obvious in this plagiarizing of paganism and denial of the true Jesus Christ. In the East the Buddhist teaching of how Sakyamuni (Gotama), the Buddha, obtained his “enlightenment” is obviously diabolic and has a great deal in common with Graeco-Egyptian mysticism in the west; especially this is extremely similar to Simon Magus’ portrayal of himself entwined with snakes in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil as a man-god to be sought after as the ultimate teacher of true knowledge. The prime example: The Dragon Flower Tree (the banyan or pipal [fig] tree) from which the great white serpent from the abyss (the devil) granted Gotama (the Buddha) his “enlightenment” which consisted of his denying the I AM and being his own saviour. Otherwise known as the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which in classical and traditional Catholic teaching is the first type of the devil. Gn:2:17: 17 But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat. For in what day soever thou shalt eat of it, thou shalt die the death. (DRV)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Culture: St. Ephrem of Syria

Culture: St. Ephrem of Syria

St. Ephrem of Syria

St. Ephem of Syria. That is ancient Syria. Don't confuse that with modern lines of demarcation limiting what we are talking about to the state now called Syria. It is Mesopotamia. Ancient Assyria in Old Testament times before there was even a province, either Roman, or before that Greek, dominated, called Syria. Modern day Iraq and Syria and Lebanon and the eastern half of Iran in other words (page 57 map, Times Atlas of World History, 1984 edition, for you who doubt the extent of ancient Old Testament Assyria). St. Ephrem is the light and glory of the Syriac Church. St. Ephrem is important to me since I was baptized on his feastday (by the Traditional Roman Calendar).

St. Ephrem is the example for our time. He lived in the fourth century A.D. The Syriac culture that he lived in and especially his writings (I love his Hymns for the Nativity of Christ) demonstrate the rich appreciation of his culture going back to the earliest of the Biblical post flood Patriarchs. He lived in the area that was the nexus of the Roman and Persian empires. It was an equal opportunity area for being persecuted for one's Christian faith. The pagan Roman (not all were, some were Christian, it varied in the fourth century) and Persian emperors had a hobby, throughout the fourth century. They took turns persecuting the Christians in this area. The motivation for the pagans to do this was strictly political. Those represented today by the "Res publica," become a totalitarian empire, while clinging to the image of a republic (long dead), are obviously the American Zionist Occupation Forces. Those represented today by the Persian empire, are obviously the Persian (Iranian) Shiite militias. This isn't the first time. But it is just as evil. What was St. Ephrem's response in his day? It was to hold fast to his Christian faith and oppose the gnostic heretics (today those heretics are the "Christian Zionists" and the American Occupation "chaplains" etc.) and he did one more thing. He built hospitals for those who were sorely sounded by natural disasters and unjust evil war. No wonder he is venerated.

From their search engine on Iraq, see this, it is most telling. End the occupations now.

This is a link as well as a title.
Saturday, October 18, 2003
" 'We believe that the peace process must be reactivated, and that the Palestinian people must have its independent state and the right to return to its homeland. Israel must implement all Resolutions of the U.N. Security Council by withdrawing from the occupied Arab and Palestinian territories, including the Farms of Shabaa in South of Lebanon, Golan Heights and Jerusalem. Only justice will bring about comprehensive, real and permanent peace in the Middle East.'

'Iraq must regain its independence, integrity and sovereignty. All occupying forces must soon leave Iraq and the nation-building process must start with the participation of all the communities in Iraq.' "

ANTELIAS, LEBANON – On Saturday, October 18, 2003 at the end of the annual meeting of the Heads of the Oriental Orthodox Churches in the Middle East, His Holiness Pope Shenouda III of the Coptic Church, His Holiness Patriarch Zakka I of the Syrian Church and His Holiness Catholicos Aram I of the Armenian Church-Catholicosate of Cilicia signed a common declaration underlining their concerns and perspectives related to the active participation of their faithful in Evangelism, Diakonia, Christian education, theological formation and youth involvement as the genuine expressions of life and witness of their Churches. Additionally, issues related to theological dialogues and ecumenical collaboration on global and regional levels, as well as human rights, social justice, peace and inter-faith relations were discussed and highlighted.

On Friday evening, October 17, 2003, His Holiness Aram I hosted an official dinner at the Catholicosate in honor of His Holiness Shenouda III and His Holiness Zakka I. The dinner was attended by 150 guests, including the representatives of the President of the Republic, His Excellency General Emil Lahoud, of the Speaker of the Parliament, His Excellency Mr. Nabih Berri, and of the Prime Minister, His Excellency Mr. Rafik Hariri, and Christian and Muslim spiritual leaders, dignitaries of the diplomatic corps and leaders of the Armenian community.

His Holiness Aram I addressed the guests and indicated that the meeting of the three Spiritual Heads of the Oriental Orthodox Churches is the manifestation of Christian unity, inter-religious and ecumenical cooperation and expression of a living faith.

The following common declaration of the three Heads was read at the end of the dinner:


October 17, 2003


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Greetings to you all with the spirit of Christian love and fellowship.

We, Pope Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, Patriarch Mar Ignatius Zakka I, Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, and Catholicos Aram I, Catholicos of the Armenians of the Great House of Cilicia, give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for granting us, once again, the opportunity to pray together and to reflect together on issues of common concern, at the Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia, in Antelias, Lebanon. This is the sixth time that we come together as Heads of Churches, with the members of the Standing Committee we had appointed, within the framework of our fellowship that we initiated in 1998.

At our meeting here in Antelias, we have reaffirmed our unity of faith that, for centuries, has been the basis of our common doctrinal positions and theological teachings. Deeply rooted in the Holy Scriptures, the Apostolic Faith and Tradition, the three Ecumenical Councils (Nicea, 325, Constantinople, 381, and Ephesus, 431) and the teachings of our Church Fathers, our unity has sustained the life and witness of the Churches of the Oriental Orthodox Family and became a living source of spiritual strength and missionary engagement in the midst of the upheavals and vicissitudes of our respective histories. For the Oriental Orthodox Churches, the unity of faith is the basis of eucharistic inter-communion and the manifestation of the visible unity of the church.

The unity of the Church is a gift of God; it must be preserved and deepened. It is also a call and a responsibility; it must be responded to seriously. Hence, our unity of faith must acquire concrete manifestations and touch the life of our people through common witness and joint engagement, particularly in the area of religious and moral education, theological formation and social diakonia.

Our unity of faith must also be shared by other churches, both in the Middle East and in different parts of the world. Indeed, the visible unity of the church is a common Christian goal. It is with this spirit and commitment that our Churches are actively engaged in bilateral theological dialogues and in ecumenical collaboration with many churches, world Communions and regional and global ecumenical structures. The World Council of Churches, as a global ecumenical fellowship, and the Middle East Council of Churches, as a regional ecumenical fellowship, are of particular importance for our Churches. We will continue our active ecumenical role in these ecumenical structures.

Besides the inter-church collaboration, we consider inter-religious relations and dialogue to be imperative. Being integral to the history, civilizations and cultures of the Middle East, our Churches have been in constant and existential dialogue with Islam. This dialogue of life, based on mutual understanding, trust and respect, must continue with renewed emphasis and broader perspectives, particularly on the level of the people.

The Coptic Orthodox, the Syrian Orthodox and the Armenian Orthodox Churches have played a significant role in all major initiatives, processes and actions in our region leading it to greater justice, peace and prosperity. We cannot remain aloof and indifferent in the face of the prevailing situation in the Middle East.

We believe that the peace process must be reactivated, and that the Palestinian people must have its independent state and the right to return to its homeland. Israel must implement all Resolutions of the U.N. Security Council by withdrawing from the occupied Arab and Palestinian territories, including the Farms of Shabaa in South of Lebanon, Golan Heights and Jerusalem. Only justice will bring about comprehensive, real and permanent peace in the Middle East.

Iraq must regain its independence, integrity and sovereignty. All occupying forces must soon leave Iraq and the nation-building process must start with the participation of all the communities in Iraq.

Our region is at a critical juncture of its history. We must be alert and exercise utmost responsibility in addressing the issues and concerns of the Middle East. We condemn all kinds of threats against the Arab countries and especially attacks on Lebanon and Syria.

We also condemn all forms and expressions of violence in our region and everywhere in the world. Religion, in its proper understanding, is a promoter of love and reconciliation, peace and justice. We urge all those who, for one reason or other, are in conflict to resolve their problems through dialogue and mutual understanding.

We warmly greet the President of the Republic of Lebanon, His Excellency General Emil Lahoud, the Heads of all communities and the people of Lebanon. We give thanks to God that, after a long period of destruction and conflict, Lebanon now is in a promising process of reconstruction and reconciliation. As Spiritual Heads we extend our full support to this process. Indeed, the Christian-Muslim co-existence constitutes the very identity of Lebanon.

As we conclude our Sixth Meeting in Antelias, we appeal to our Churches to remain faithful to the Gospel by living out its values and imperatives in their daily life, and by participating more actively in the life and witness of the church. Our collaboration must continue to give a renewed efficiency and vitality to the witness of our Churches, especially in its educational, moral, theological, diaconal, evangelistic and ecumenical aspects.

The family is a sacred institution established by our Lord Jesus Christ. The sacredness and integrity of Christian family must be preserved. Hence, we condemn all practices and behaviors related to marriage and sexual orientation that are not in accord with the biblical and moral teachings. In view of the emerging trends and challenges that jeopardize the credibility of Christian moral teachings and spiritual values and traditions, we appeal to our people to preserve their Christian identity and keep their faithfulness to the Gospel message.

We also appeal to our communities living in different parts of the world to remain firmly attached to their native lands by supporting all initiatives and actions that promote peace with justice in the Middle East, as well as mutual respect and understanding among religions and nations.

May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Shenouda III
Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark Mar Ignatius Zakka I
Patriarch of Antioch and all the East Aram I
Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia


SOL News

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Lal Qila - Tom Lantos

Ishtar Rising...: Lal Qila: Jew Mafia .:

Use by Lantos of the Mossad arranged murder of Four Star Admiral Chief of Naval Operations, Jeremy Boorda, a fellow Jew of Lantos, to threaten Craig Livingstone. (see below)

excerpt -

During a 1996 Congressional inquiry into the “Filegate” scandal, Lantos told witness Craig Livingstone that “with an infinitely more distinguished public record than yours, Admiral Boorda committed suicide when he may have committed a minor mistake.” Boorda, the Chief of Naval Operations, had taken his own life after his right to wear Combat V decorations had been questioned. [It was confirmed he had every right to wear what he did and had known this and that it was verified by his former superior officer. It was Mossad that assassinated him. Ed.] Lantos was criticized by some (including fellow Congressman Joe Scarborough) who interpreted the remark as a suggestion that Livingstone too should kill himself.[53] Craig Livingstone forgave Lantos for his remark by stating to the gallery, “He (Lantos) obviously learned much from the Nazis and speaks like them today.”[citation needed]

On May 3, 2000, Lantos was involved in an automobile accident while driving on Capitol Hill. Lantos drove over a young boy’s foot and then failed to stop his vehicle. He was later fined over the incident for inattentive driving.[54]

In 2002, Lantos, who was on the House Committee on International Affairs, took Colette Avital, a Labor Party member of the Israeli Knesset, by the hand and, according to Ha’aretz, tried to reassure her with these words: “My dear Colette, don’t worry. You won’t have any problem with Saddam. We’ll be rid of the bastard soon enough. And in his place we’ll install a pro-Western dictator, who will be good for us and for you.”[55]He later denied saying this, but Avital confirmed it, according to Ben Terrall, an adviser to Maad H. Abu-Ghazalah, aLibertarian Party candidate who ran against Lantos that year.[56]

end of excerpt


TOM LANTOS, ANOTHER LYING JEW, WHOSE LIES ABOUT BABIES AND INCUBATORS STOLEN FROM KUWAIT, STARTED THE AMERICAN WAR CRIMINAL INVASION OF IRAQ, AND THE ENSUING DESTABLISAIONS, INVASIONS, OCCUPATIONS, MURDER AND MAYHEM BY AMERICAN THUG ARMY IN MANY MUSLIM COUNTRIES; AND THESE WAR CRIMES CONTINUE BECAUSE OF THIS BASTARD’S LIES AND HE WAS NEVER PUNISHED FOR HIS LIES AND THE ILL GOTTEN GAINS FROM PEDDLING THE FALSE INCUBATOR STORY. Perhaps the most flagrantly deceitful and malicious deception in taking the United States into the Gulf war was the testimony before a Congressional Committee by a 15 year old girl named “Nayirah” who alleged that Iraqi troops in occupied Kuwait had removed 15 Kuwaiti babies from incubators and allowed them to die on the hospital floor. This testimony of October 10, 1991 so implanted the barbarity into American consciousness that seven Senators mentioned it in speeches backing the resolution of January 12, 1991 authorizing war. The chairmen of the congressional group, Tom Lantos of California and John Porter of Illinois, stated that “Nayirah’s” true identity had to be kept secret to protect her family in occupied Kuwait. There was a much better reason for keeping the true identity of “Nayirah” secret. For Nayirah, which was her real first name, was the daughter of Saud Nasir al-Sabal, the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the United States. Where was she in the months of August and September 1990 when Kuwait was invaded, and she supposedly witnessed the atrocities? Her father and family were in Washington and were safe from Iraqi reprisals. In 1982 in his congressional campaign Mr. Lantos was telling his constituents at fund raising rallies that “Israel needed a friend in Congress”. As late as 1995 Congressman Lantos, a Jew born in Hungary, was chastising the French for preparing to deal commercially with Iraq. People who believe American interests have required more friends of America in Congress have been lacking. Not to be outdone by minor parties, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations affirmed their support for the policies of George Bush. They demanded withdrawal of Iraqi forces from Kuwait and the restoration of the legitimate rulers of Kuwait. These stalwarts also demanded the dismantling of Iraq’s huge arsenal of conventional and chemical weapons as well as its potential for developing nuclear and biological weapons. They wholeheartedly supported the refusal of the Bush administration to link Kuwait with the Palestinian issue. They closed in hoping that American policy toward Saddam Hussein would not be sidetracked by other nations advocating appeasement or other rewards for aggression by Iraq. This heartfelt and important admonition was read into the Congressional Record. No Congressman challenged this group’s lack of interest in casualties that American forces would suffer to achieve this noble goal. Such displays of money which induced patriotism for the war in the Persian Gulf were not limited to conservatives. The public relations firm of Hill and Knowlton, which whored for anybody if paid sufficiently, was hired by the Citizens for a Free Kuwait, a group financed by the government of Kuwait to urge military intervention in the Persian Gulf. A vice president of Hill and Knowlton, Gary Hymel, arranged the perjured testimony by the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador before the congressional committee chaired by Representative Lantos of California. Mr. Hymel told the New York Times that he was aware of the true identity of the girl when she testified. This tale of contrived slaughter of babies by Iraqi soldiers was passed off as authentic when it was known to be a lie. This perjury was instrumental in committing the United States to war. Lack of public outrage has been testimony to the media powers which can suppress any story when they choose. Vice chairman of Hill and Knowlton was Frank Mankiewicz, who was once a worthy of Robert Kennedy. Later in October 1991 Mr. Mankiewicz became a member of a foundation board sponsored by Representative Lantos. The Emir of Kuwait spent his money wisely in the hiring of Hill and Knowlton. The influence of the oil and Israeli lobbies continue to determine American policy in the Middle East to the detriment of the country. They will sacrifice blood, treasures and lives for their interests. BY RICHARD EARLEY

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Thomas Peter “Tom” Lantos (February 1, 1928 – February 11, 2008)[1] was a Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives from 1981 until his death, representing the northern two-thirds of San Mateo County and a portion of southwest San Francisco. Lantos had announced in early January 2008 that he would not run for reelection because of cancer of the esophagus,[2][3] but died before finishing his term. Lantos was the only Holocaust survivor to have served in the United States Congress.[4]

In speaking before the House of Representatives after his passing, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stated that Lantos “devoted his public life to shining a bright light on the dark corners of oppression. . . He used his powerful voice to stir the consciousness of world leaders and the public alike.”[5] U2 lead singer Bono called him a “prizefighter,” whose stamina would make him go “any amount of rounds, with anyone, anywhere, to protect human rights and common decency.”[6]

In 2008, after his death, the Congressional Human Rights Caucus, which he founded in 1983, was renamed the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission. Its mission is partly to “to promote, defend and advocate internationally recognized human rights.” In 2011, the Tom Lantos Institute was set up in Budapest to promote tolerance and support minority issues in central and eastern Europe and in the world.[7]

Early years

World War II

Thomas Peter Lantos (Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈlɒntoʃ ˈtɒmaːʃ ˈpeːtɛr]) was born to a Jewish family in Budapest, Hungary. Even after moving to the United States, his English had a marked Hungarian accent.

Many of his family members were teachers, including an uncle who was a professor at the University of Budapest, and his grandmother who was a high school principal. His life in Hungary would change after Germany invaded Austria in 1938, with the Austrian border just 100 miles from Budapest. Lantos remembered this period and a newspaper headline he read when he was only 10, “Hitler Marches into Austria.” Even at a young age, he understood the significance of this invasion: [8]

“I sensed that this historic moment would have a tremendous impact on the lives of Hungarian Jews, my family, and myself.”

Six years later, in March 1944, the German military invaded Hungary and occupied Budapest, its capital. Lantos, then 16, was arrested because he was Jewish and sent to a forced labor camp outside of Budapest. He escaped but was soon caught by the Germans and beaten severely, to be returned to the labor camp. He again escaped but this time made his way back to Budapest, 40 miles away. There, he hid with an aunt in a safe house set up by Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat.[8]

Lantos then joined the anti-Nazi resistance movement and was able to move around freely due to his having blond hair and blue eyes, which to the Nazis were physical signs of Aryanism. As a result, he acted as a courier for the underground movement and delivered food and medicine to Jews living in other safe houses, and where he met his future wife, Annette Tillemann. In January 1945, less than year later, Russian military forces fought door-to-door battles and liberated Hungary from Nazi occupation. However, Lantos, then 17, returned home only to discover that his mother and other family members had all been killed by the Germans, along with 450,000 other Hungarian Jews, during the preceding 10 months of their occupation.[8] Wallenberg, for his part, was later credited with saving the lives of thousands of other Hungarian Jews.[9]

Lantos described some of his experiences in the Academy Award winning documentary film, The Last Days (1998), produced by Steven Spielberg‘s Shoah Foundation. In his floor speeches as a congressman, he sometimes referred to himself as one of the few living members of Congress who had fought against fascism. In 1981, Lantos sponsored a bill making Wallenberg an Honorary Citizen of the United States and became a member of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation.

In January 2006 he traveled to Hungary and attended a ceremony commemorating the 61st anniversary of the liberation of the Budapest Ghetto. The event was held at the Great Synagogue in Budapest,[10](photo), today the largest synagogue in Europe.[11]


In 1946 Lantos enrolled at the University of Budapest. As a result of writing an essay about Franklin D. Roosevelt, he was awarded a scholarship by the Hillel Foundation to study in the United States. He then emigrated to the U.S. and studied economics at University of Washington in Seattle, where he earned a B.A. in 1949 and an M.A. in 1950. He continued his post-graduate education at the University of California, Berkeley, and received a Ph.D in economics in 1953.

Early career

After graduation from Berkeley, he became a professor of economics at San Francisco State University. In subsequent years, he worked as a business consultant and television commentator on subjects of foreign policy. He eventually became a senior advisor to various U.S. Senators and in 1980 was elected to the U.S. Congress, where he remained until his retirement in January 2008.[8] Recalling his early life, he announced his retirement by stating to Congress, “I will never be able to express fully my profoundly felt gratitude to this great country.”[8] He died the following month, in February 2008, the only Holocaust survivorever to serve in Congress.

Personal and family life

During the German occupation of Hungary he met Annette Tillemann, a girl whose family escaped to Switzerland. They used Swedish passports issued by Raoul Wallenberg. After Hungary was liberated, she and her family returned to Budapest where she and Lantos met again. They married in 1950 after they emigrated to the U.S. and remained married until his death in 2008.[12] Tillemann is a cousin of actress Zsa Zsa Gabor, also originally from Budapest.[13]

Lantos and his wife Annette had two daughters, Annette and Katrina, and 17 grandchildren. His daughter Annette was married to Timber Dick, “an independent businessman in Colorado,”[14] until his accidental death in 2008.[15][16] His daughter Katrina, who married ambassador and former U.S. Representative from New Hampshire Richard Swett, was a candidate for Congress in New Hampshire. One of Lantos’ grandchildren, Charity Sunshine Tillemann-Dick, is a noted opera singer and activist for organ donation. Lantos considered himself a secular Jew.[17]

Political career and positions

Lantos made his first run for office in 1980, when he defeated one-term Republican Congressman Bill Royer by 5,700 votes. He never faced another contest nearly that close, and was reelected 13 times.

Lantos earned a reputation in the Congress as a champion for various human rights causes, such as having Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang testify at a congressional hearing, when the company turned over the email records of two Chinese dissidents to the Chinese government, allowing them to be traced and one sentenced to jail.[18]


Lantos was a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus[20] and repeatedly called for reforms to the nation’s health-care system, reduction of the national budget deficit and the national debt, repeal of theEconomic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001, and has opposed Social Security privatization efforts. He supported same-sex marriage rights and marijuana for medical use, was a strong proponent ofgun control[21] and was adamantly pro-choice.[22]

Lantos was a well-known advocate on behalf of the environment, receiving consistently high ratings from the League of Conservation Voters and other environmental organizations for his legislative record.[23] His long-standing efforts to protect open space brought thousands of acres under the protection of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, including Mori Point, Sweeney Ridge and — most recently — Rancho Corral de Tierra, which will keep its watersheds and delicate habitats free from development permanently.[24][25] In 2005 he opposed an effort to expand public use of the Farallon Islands, a protected wildlife haven.

Lantos consistently championed local transportation projects that need federal funds and, given his seniority in Congress, proved successful at delivering this support.

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom and Lantos

Lantos initially supported the Iraq War, but from 2006 onward made increasingly critical statements about the conduct of the war, and as the chairman of the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs he held 20 oversight hearings on the war in 2007. (See separate section below about the war in Iraq.)

Foreign affairs issues

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon with Lantos and his wife, Annette Lantos

Lantos served as the chairman of the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Through its more than 20 years of work, the Congressional Human Rights Caucus[26] — of which Lantos was co-chair with Representative Frank Wolf — has covered a wide range of human rights issues, including speaking for Christians in Saudi Arabia and Sudan to practice their faith, helping Tibetans to retain their culture and religion in Tibet, and advocating for other minorities worldwide. Lantos’s efforts to protect religious freedom in 2004 resulted in a bill to attempt to stop the spread of anti-semitism.[27]

Lantos was involved with his colleagues on the International Relations Committee on many decisions that affected other aspects of American foreign policy. Lantos spoke out against waste, fraud and abuse in the multi-billion-dollar U.S. reconstruction program in Iraq, and warned that the U.S. could lose Afghanistan to the Taliban if the Bush administration failed to take decisive action to halt the current decline in political stability there.

Lantos, as the ranking Democrat on the International Relations Committee, tried to disrupt U.S. military aid to Egypt, argued that the Egyptian military had made insufficient efforts to stop the flow of money and weapons across the Egyptian border toHamas in Gaza, and had not contributed troops to internationally-supported peacekeeping efforts in Afghanistan and elsewhere. Lantos was a strong advocate for Israel.

1991 Gulf War

See also: Nurse Nayirah.

Lantos was a strong supporter of the 1991 Persian Gulf War. During the run-up to the war, the Congressional Human Rights Caucus, of which Lantos was co-chairman, hosted a young Kuwaiti woman identified only as “Nurse Nayirah“, who told of horrific abuses by Iraqi soldiers, including the killing of Kuwaiti babies by taking them out of their incubators and leaving them to die on the cold floor of the hospital. These alleged atrocities figured prominently in the rhetoric at the time about Iraqi abuses in Kuwait.

The girl’s account was later challenged by independent human rights monitors.[28] ”Nurse Nayirah” later turned out to be the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States.[28] Asked about his having allowed the girl to give testimony without identifying herself, and without her story having been corroborated, Lantos replied, “The notion that any of the witnesses brought to the caucus through the Kuwaiti Embassy would not be credible did not cross my mind… I have no basis for assuming that her story is not true, but the point goes beyond that. If one hypothesizes that the woman’s story is fictitious from A to Z, that in no way diminishes the avalanche of human rights violations.”[28]

Lantos and John R. MacArthur, the foremost critic of the Nayirah issue, each had op-eds in The New York Times, in which each accused the other of distortion.[29] MacArthur suggested that Lantos may have materially benefited from his having accommodated Nayirah.[30] Nayirah was later revealed to have connections to lobbying firm Hill & Knowlton in the employ of Kuwaiti activist group Citizens for a Free Kuwait, and her story has since come to be regarded as strongly suspect.[30]

War in Iraq

On October 4, 2002, Lantos led a narrow majority of Democrats on the House International Relations Committee to a successful vote in support of the Resolution for the Use of Force, seeking the approval of the United Nations and under the condition that President George W. Bush would allow UN weapons inspectors to finish their work and that Bush would need to return to Congress for an actual declaration of war before invading Iraq. The resolution later passed the House and the Senate with a total of 373 members of Congress supporting it. “The train is now on its way,” said Lantos after his — and Bush’s — victory.[31] In later hearings on the war, Lantos continued his enthusiastic support. At one point he was confronted by witnesses who questioned the likelihood of enthusiastic Baghdadis welcoming the invading Americans; Lantos called this a kind of racism, to suggest the Iraqis might be so ungrateful.

Starting in early 2006, Lantos distanced himself from the Bush Administration‘s Iraq policy, making critical statements at hearings, on the House floor and in published media interviews about the conduct of the war. During hearings of the House International Relations Committee, where he was then the ranking member, Lantos repeatedly praised the investigative work of the office of the Special Inspector of Iraq Reconstruction General Stuart Bowen, which uncovered evidence of waste, fraud and abuse in the use of U.S. taxpayer dollars intended to help secure and rebuild Iraq.

Lantos was an immediate and consistent critic of the troop surge advocated by President Bush. On the night in January 2007 that Bush announced his plan, Lantos responded, “I oppose the so-called surge that constitutes the centerpiece of the President’s plan. Our efforts in Iraq are a mess, and throwing in more troops will not improve it.” And during a joint House hearing on September 10, 2007, featuring General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker, Lantos said,

The Administration’s myopic policies in Iraq have created a fiasco. Is it any wonder that on the subject of Iraq, more and more Americans have little confidence in this Administration? We can not take ANY of this Administration’s assertions on Iraq at face value anymore, and no amount of charts or statistics will improve its credibility. This is not a knock on you, General Petraeus, or on you, Ambassador Crocker. But the fact remains, gentlemen, that the Administration has sent you here today to convince the members of these two Committees and the Congress that victory is at hand. With all due respect to you, I must say … I don’t buy it.

At the same hearing, Lantos drew comparisons between some of the current U.S. activities in Iraq to U.S. support two decades ago of Islamic militants in Afghanistan:

America should not be in the business of arming, training and funding both sides of a religious civil war in Iraq. Did the Administration learn nothing from our country’s actions in Afghanistan two decades ago, when by supporting Islamist militants against the Soviet Union, we helped pave the way for the rise of the Taliban? Why are we now repeating the short-sighted patterns of the past?[32]

Human rights advocate

Presenting the Dalai Lama with theCongressional Gold Medal, 2007


As co-founder of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus in 2006 and as Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Lantos would “stir the consciousness of world leaders and the public alike,” according to Representative Nancy Pelosi. She adds: “Wherever there was injustice or oppression, he used his expertise and moral authority to put the United States on the side of justice and human rights.”[33]

In 2007, in his effort to help the people of China and Tibet, he presented the Dalai Lama with the Congressional Gold Medal. He also worked to help the people of Burma by asking for the release of Aung San Suu Kyi, a Nobel Peace Prize winner held under house arrest for almost 15 years until her release in November 2010.[33]


On April 28, 2006, Lantos and four other Democratic U.S. Representatives (Sheila Jackson Lee, Jim McGovern, Jim Moran, and John Olver), along with six other activists, took part in a civil disobedience action in front of the Sudanese embassy in Washington, D.C. They were protesting the role of the Sudanese government in carrying outgenocide in the Darfur conflict and were arrested for disorderly conduct.[34] Lantos proclaimed, “We have been calling on the civilized world to stand up and to say, ‘Enough,’ The slaughter of the people of Darfur must end.”[33]

Hungarian minorities

Tom Lantos stood up for the rights of Hungarian minorities several times[35][36] as a member of the US House of Representatives. In a 2007 letter he asked Robert Fico, the Prime Minister of Slovakia to distance themselves from the Beneš decrees, a reasonable process in the Hedvig Malina case, and to treat members of the Hungarian minority as equal.[37][38] He indirectly blamed the Slovak government for ethnically motivated attacks on Hungarians because the country’s governing coalition included ultra-nationalist parties.[39]

The American Hungarian Federation recognized Congressman Lantos for his “Leadership in Support of Democracy, Human Rights and Minority Rights in Central and Eastern Europe,” awarding him the organization’s highest award, the “Col. Commandant Michael Kovats Medal of Freedom,” at the October 19, 2005, Congressional Reception commemorating the 49th Anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.[40]


On August 27, 2006, at the Israeli Foreign Ministry building in Israel, Lantos said he would block a foreign aid package promised by President George W. Bush to Lebanon until Beirut agrees to the deployment of international troops on the border with Syria and Lebanon takes control of its borders with Syria to prevent arms smuggling to Hezbollah guerrillas.[41]

Morocco and Western Sahara

Lantos supported Morocco‘s demand to gain sovereignty over Western Sahara, and criticized the Polisario Front, which demands independence for the disputed region. In 2007, he backed Morocco’s proposal to make the region autonomous under Moroccan rule, saying: “I urge the leadership of the Polisario to realize that they will never again get such a good deal for the population they purport to represent.”[42]

Death and legacy

On January 2, 2008, after having been diagnosed with esophageal cancer, Lantos announced he would not run for a 15th term in the House but planned to complete his final term, and thanked Congress:

It is only in the United States that a penniless survivor of the Holocaust and a fighter in the anti-Nazi underground could have received an education, raised a family, and had the privilege of serving the last three decades of his life as a Member of Congress. I will never be able to express fully my profoundly felt gratitude to this great country.”[43][44]

Lantos died of complications from esophageal cancer on February 11, 2008, before finishing his term. A special election was held to fill his seat on April 8, 2008 and was won by former State Senator Jackie Speier, whom Lantos had endorsed as his successor.[45] Shortly after his death, Roy Blunt, the House Republican Whip, stated that “Chairman Lantos will be remembered as a man of uncommon integrity and sincere moral conviction — and a public servant who never wavered in his pursuit of a better, freer and more religiously tolerant world.”[46]

A memorial service was held for Lantos on February 14, 2008 at Statuary Hall in the Capitol. Speakers included Senator Joe Biden, Bono of U2, Rep. Steny Hoyer, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Israeliforeign minister Tzipi Livni, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Rep. Christopher Shays, Elie Wiesel, and his grandson, Tomicah Tillemann, speechwriter for current Secretary of StateHillary Clinton.[47]

On June 19, 2008, President George W. Bush posthumously awarded Lantos the Medal of Freedom. In a ceremony at the White House, Bush stated “We miss his vigorous defense of human rights and his powerful witness for the cause of human freedom. For a lifetime of leadership, for his commitment to liberty, and for his devoted service to his adopted nation, I am proud to award the Presidential Medal of Freedom, posthumously, to Tom Lantos, and proud that his loving wife Annette will receive the award on behalf of his family.”[48] That same year, the Congressional Human Rights Caucus, which he founded in 1983, was renamed the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission. Its mission is partly to “to promote, defend and advocate internationally recognized human rights.”

The first Lantos Human Rights Prize, named in the congressman’s memory, was presented to the 14th Dalai Lama in 2009.[49]

In 2011, the Tom Lantos Institute was set up in Budapest to promote tolerance and support minority issues in central and eastern Europe and in the world.[7] A the opening ceremonies in June, 2011, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke to the Hungarian Parliament:

Now when Tom grew up here in this country that he loved so much, the only debate that mattered was the one between freedom and fascism, and then between freedom and communism. Tom believed that in our country there were partisan political differences, of course, between Republicans and Democrats or between a President Reagan and a President Clinton, just to pick one. (Laughter.) But Tom always believed that regardless of our political party, we were fundamentally on the same side. We were for freedom. We were for democracy. And that through debate, sometimes contested, we would keep working toward what our founders set as the goal, a more perfect union.[50]

Congressional scorecards

See also

Project Vote Smart provides the following results from congressional scorecards.[51]


During a 1996 Congressional inquiry into the “Filegate” scandal, Lantos told witness Craig Livingstone that “with an infinitely more distinguished public record than yours, Admiral Boorda committed suicide when he may have committed a minor mistake.” Boorda, the Chief of Naval Operations, had taken his own life after his right to wear Combat V decorations had been questioned. Lantos was criticized by some (including fellow Congressman Joe Scarborough) who interpreted the remark as a suggestion that Livingstone too should kill himself.[53] Craig Livingstone forgave Lantos for his remark by stating to the gallery, “He (Lantos) obviously learned much from the Nazis and speaks like them today.”[citation needed]

On May 3, 2000, Lantos was involved in an automobile accident while driving on Capitol Hill. Lantos drove over a young boy’s foot and then failed to stop his vehicle. He was later fined over the incident for inattentive driving.[54]

In 2002, Lantos, who was on the House Committee on International Affairs, took Colette Avital, a Labor Party member of the Israeli Knesset, by the hand and, according to Ha’aretz, tried to reassure her with these words: “My dear Colette, don’t worry. You won’t have any problem with Saddam. We’ll be rid of the bastard soon enough. And in his place we’ll install a pro-Western dictator, who will be good for us and for you.”[55]He later denied saying this, but Avital confirmed it, according to Ben Terrall, an adviser to Maad H. Abu-Ghazalah, a Libertarian Party candidate who ran against Lantos that year.[56]

In June 2007, Lantos called former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder a “political prostitute” at the dedication ceremony of the Victims of Communism Memorial, which caused a political backlash from theGerman government. Lantos was referring to Schröder’s ties to energy business in Russia, and remarked that this appellation would offend prostitutes.[57]

In October 2007, Dutch parliament members said Lantos insulted them while discussing the War on Terror by stating that the Netherlands had to help the United States because it liberated them in World War II, while adding that “Europe was not as outraged by Auschwitz as by Guantanamo Bay.”[58]

Electoral history

California’s 11th congressional district: Results 1980–1990[59]
Democrat Votes Pct
Republican Votes Pct
3rd Party Party Votes Pct
3rd Party Party Votes Pct
Tom Lantos 85,823 46%
Bill Royer 80,100 43%
Wilson Branch Peace and Freedom 13,723 7%
William S. Wade, Jr. Libertarian 3,816 2% *
Tom Lantos 109,812 57%
Bill Royer 76,462 40%
Chuck Olson Libertarian 2,920 2%
Wilson Branch Peace and Freedom 1,928 1% *
Tom Lantos 147,607 70%
Jack Hickey 59,625 28%
Nicholas W. Kudrovzeff American Independent 3,883 2%

Tom Lantos 112,380 74%
Bill Quraishi 39,315 26%

Tom Lantos 145,484 71%
Bill Quraishi 50,050 24%
Bill Wade Libertarian 4,683 2%
Victor Martinez Peace and Freedom 2,906 1% *
Tom Lantos 105,029 66%
Bill Quraishi 45,818 29%
June R. Genis Libertarian 8,518 5%

*Write-in and minor candidate notes: In 1980, Nicholas W. Kudrovzeff, American Independent Party, received 1,550 votes (1%). In 1982, Nicholas W. Kudrovzeff, American Independent Party, received 1,250 votes (1%). In 1988, Nicholas W. Kudrovzeff, American Independent Party, received 1,893 votes (1%).
California’s 12th congressional district: Results 1992–2006[59]
Democrat Votes Pct
Republican Votes Pct
3rd Party Party Votes Pct
3rd Party Party Votes Pct
Tom Lantos 157,205 69%
Jim Tomlin 53,278 23%
Mary Weldon Peace and Freedom 10,142 4%
George O’Brien Libertarian 7,782 3%
Tom Lantos 118,408 67%
Deborah Wilder 57,228 33%

Tom Lantos 149,049 72%
Storm Jenkins 49,276 24%
Christopher V.A. Schmidt Libertarian 6,111 3%
Richard Borg Natural Law 3,472 2%
Tom Lantos 128,135 74%
Robert Evans, Jr. 36,562 21%
Michael J. Moloney Libertarian 8,515 5%

Tom Lantos 158,404 75%
Mike Garza 44,162 21%
Barbara J. Less Libertarian 6,431 3%
Rifkin Young Natural Law 3,559 2%
Tom Lantos 105,597 68%
Michael Moloney 38,381 25%
Maad H. Abu-Ghazalah Libertarian 11,006 7%

Tom Lantos 171,852 68%
Mike Garza 52,593 21%
Pat Gray Green 23,038 9%
Harland Harrison Libertarian 5,116 2%
Tom Lantos 138,650 76%
Michael Moloney 43,674 24%


  1. ^ “AP News Alert”. Associated Press. 2008-02-11. “Rep. Tom Lantos of California, the only Holocaust survivor ever to serve in Congress, died early Monday morning, his spokeswoman said.”
  2. ^ Lantos, stricken with cancer, to retire at the end of the year San Francisco Chronicle, January 2, 2008. Retrieved 2 January 2008.
  3. ^ Simon, Richard (January 3, 2008). “California’s Lantos says cancer will prevent another House run”. Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on February 16, 2008. Retrieved 29 January 2008.
  4. ^ Louis Sandy Maisel et al. (2001). Jews in American Politics. Rowan & Littlefield. Retrieved 21 May 2011. ”The only Holocaust survivor to serve in the United States Congress, Tom Lantos was born February 1, 1928, in Budapest. Just 16 years old when the Nazis invaded Hungary, Lantos was active in the underground resistance before he was imprisoned in a Nazi labor camp in Hungary.”
  5. ^ Representative Nancy Pelosi, “The World Lost One Of Its Greatest Champions Of Human Rights”video, 7 min.
  6. ^ “Bono Remembers the Honorable Tom Lantos” video clip, 2 minutes
  7. ^ a b “Tom Lantos Institute set up in Budapest”,, May 2, 2011
  8. ^ a b c d e “Tom Lantos Biography, Biography Channel, 2010
  9. ^ “Lantos’s list”. Jerusalem Post. Retrieved 2007-02-15. “Born in Hungary in 1928 to assimilated Jewish parents, he escaped from a forced-labor brigade, joined the resistance and was eventually, with his later-to-be-wife Annette, among the tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews rescued by the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg.”
  10. ^ “Congressman Lantos Commemorates Liberation of Budapest Ghetto”, U.S. Dept. of State, 2006
  11. ^ Steves, Rick. Rick Steves’ Budapest, Public Affairs publ. (2009) pp. 72-73
  12. ^ Timmerman, Kenneth R. Countdown to crisis: the coming nuclear showdown with Iran, Random House (2005)
  13. ^ “Lantos the master storyteller, communicator”, Jan 1, 2007
  14. ^ “Tom Lantos for Congress – Biography”. Archived from the original on Dec 27, 2007. Retrieved 2009-04-19.
  15. ^ Pankratz, Howard (April 11, 2008). “Denver inventor Dick dies after crash”. Denver Post.
  16. ^ Timber Dick, a former city council candidate, dies, Rocky Mountain News, April 11, 2008.
  17. ^ “Project Vote Smart: Tom Lantos”. Retrieved 2010-06-15.
  18. ^ “Yahoo Criticized in Case of Jailed Dissident”. New York Times. Associated Press. November 7, 2007. Retrieved 2009-04-19. “‘While technologically and financially you are giants, morally you are pygmies,’ Tom Lantos, Democrat of California and chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said angrily after hearing from the two executives, Jerry Yang, the chief executive, and Michael J. Callahan, the general counsel.”
  19. ^ Janine Zacharia, Lantos’s List, Jerusalem Post, dated 13 April but year not given, presumably 2001. Janine Zacharia,D.C. office is a Living Tribute to Wallenberg, originally from Jewish Bulletin of Northern California (credited as aJerusalem Post Service story, and appears to be a reworking of the previous story), April 20, 2001; reproduced on Lantos’s congressional web site. Aleza Goldsmith,challenges Lantos in three-way race, j. (formerly Jewish Bulletin of Northern California), October 4, 2002. All accessed 25 September 2006.
  20. ^ Congressional Progressive Caucus membership list. Retrieved 25 September 2006.
  21. ^ Vote Smart: Tom Lantos: Gun issues. Retrieved 25 September 2006.
  22. ^ Vote Smart: Tom Lantos: Abortion issues. Retrieved 25 September 2006.
  23. ^ Vote Smart: Tom Lantos: Environmental Issues. Retrieved 25 September 2006.
  24. ^ Edward Epstein, BAY AREA: Recreation area about to get bigger: Historic rancho near Devil’s Slide a deal at $15 million, San Francisco Chronicle, December 7, 2005. Retrieved 25 September 2006.
  25. ^ Bush signs Lantos’ open space bill, San Mateo Daily Journal, December 22, 2005. Retrieved 25 September 2006.
  26. ^ Index of Congressional Human Rights Caucus stories on Lantos’s congressional site. Retrieved 25 September 2006.
  27. ^ Chronicle Washington Bureau, Bush inks Jewish bill by Lantos, San Francisco Chronicle, October 19, 2004. Retrieved 25 September 2006.
  28. ^ a b c CONGRESSMAN SAYS GIRL WAS CREDIBLE, The New York Times. January 12, 1992
  29. ^ Kuwaiti Gave Consistent Account of Atrocities, The New York Times. January 27, 1992
  30. ^ a b Deception on Capitol Hill, The New York Times. January 15, 1992
  32. ^ Petraeus Hearing, Opening Statement by Chairman Lantos at hearing With General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker. September 10, 2007
  33. ^ a b c Pelosi, Nancy. Democratic
  34. ^ Jim Doyle, Five members of Congress arrested over Sudan protest, San Francisco Chronicle, April 28, 2006. Retrieved September 25, 2006.
  35. ^ “Letter of Lantos, titled “The Arrest Of Hungarian Intellectual Miklós Duray By The Government Of Czechoslovakia”". US Congressional Record. Retrieved 2008-03-25.
  36. ^ “Official Letter from Tom Lantos to Vojislav Kostunica”. Congress of the United States, Committee on International Relations. Retrieved 2008-03-25.
  37. ^ “Official Letter from Tom Lantos to Robert Fico” (PDF). Congress of the United States, Committee on Foreign affairs. Retrieved 2008-03-25.
  38. ^ “Chairman of U.S. Foreign Affairs Committee Calls on Slovakian Prime Minister to disavow Beneš decrees, ensure justice for Hungarian minority”. Washington, D.C.: Hungarian-American Coalition. October 22, 2007. Retrieved 2009-04-19. (Press release)
  39. ^ “U.S. lawmaker blames Slovak government for ethnically motivated attacks on Hungarians”. International Herald Tribune. Retrieved 2008-02-25.
  40. ^ “Honoring Congressman Tom Lantos”. The American Hungarian Federation. 2008-06-12. Retrieved 2008-09-30.
  41. ^ “Lantos: Withhold aid to Lebanon until troops secure border”, Haaretz, Aug. 27, 2006
  42. ^ Hearing before the Committee on Foreign Affairs of House of Representatives. “U.S. Policy Challenges in North Africa.” Serial No. 110-76, June 6, 2007, Pgs 1–2. Accessed March 21, 2010
  43. ^ Congressman Tom Lantos to Complete his Congressional Service at the End of Current Term
  44. ^ “California Dems Expected to Vie for Lantos Seat”. CQ Politics. Retrieved 2010-06-15.
  45. ^ “Inside Bay Area – Lantos endorses Speier as ‘our best candidate’”. Retrieved 2010-06-15.
  46. ^ “– Rep. Tom Lantos of California dies at 80″. 2008-02-11. Retrieved 2010-06-15.
  47. ^ “Funeral: Tom Lantos (2008)”. Retrieved 2010-06-15.
  48. ^ Jewish Telegraph Agency – Bush awards Lantos freedom medal[dead link]
  49. ^ “Sindh Today – Online News » Dalai Lama shunned by Obama, gets award from speaker Pelosi”. 2009-10-06. Retrieved 2010-06-15.[dead link]
  50. ^ “Tom Lantos Institute Inauguration In Budapest”,, July 5, 2011
  51. ^ “Representative Tom Lantos (CA)”. Project Vote Smart. Archived from the originalon 2006-03-01. Retrieved 2007-12-31.[dead link]
  52. ^ “Scorecard for the 109th Congress U.S. House of Representatives”. Secular Coalition for America. Archived from the original on September 28, 2007. Retrieved 2007-12-31.
  53. ^ George Lardner, Jr, Panel Sputters; Immunity Vote Fails, The Washington Post, May 14, 1998. Retrieved September 11, 1997.
  54. ^ Jackie Kucinich, In trouble with the law: run-ins with police are fact of Capitol life, The Hill, May 11, 2006. Accessed Feb. 15 2008.
  55. ^ Akiva Eldar, They’re jumping in head first Ha’aretz, September 30, 2002
  56. ^ Ben Terrall, Tom Lantos’ Big Lie: The Pro-War Congressman Calls for Replacing Saddam with a Pro-West “Dictator” CounterPunch, October 25, 2002
  57. ^ US Lawmaker’s “Prostitute” Remarks Provokes Germany | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 13.06.2007
  58. ^ The Associated Press, Senior US Democratic lawmaker offends Dutch counterparts with historical remarks, International Herald Tribune, October 27, 2007. Retrieved October 27, 2007.
  59. ^ a b “Election Statistics”. Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives. Retrieved 2008-01-10.

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