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Saturday, December 25, 2010
Iraq Cry: Christmas Iraqi Hymns
Iraq Cry: Christmas Iraqi Hymns
Come All Ye Faithful Chaldean
Christ Is Born - Hwelih Isho' Chaldean Hymn
Assyrian Christmas Song: Qa Deyan Pishlokh
أرسل الله ابنه يسوع Arsala allah
Did `Mega' Bucks Help Sharon
Did `Mega' Bucks Help Sharon Steal Israeli Elections?
by Scott Thompson and Jeffrey SteinbergA small group of American and Canadian mega-billionaires, tied to organized crime and right-wing Zionist causes, has joined in the effort to steal the Jan. 28 Israeli elections, on behalf of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who is committed to drowning any Israel-Palestine peace process in a sea of blood. The Mega Group, founded in 1991 by Charles and Edgar Bronfman, Michael Steinhardt, Max Fisher, and several dozen other multi-billionaires, meets secretly twice a year, and, since its founding, has sought to impose its top-down control over the "alphabet soup" of pro-Israel political action committees, self-styled civil rights organizations, and tax-exempt charities. Among the Mega Group's institutional power bases are the World Jewish Congress, the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish American Organizations, and the United Jewish Fund—a recent merger of the major American and Canadian Jewish charities, disbursing annual gross contributions of nearly $3 billion.
According to one Israeli source, the group has expanded in recent years, and now is made up of over 50 American and Canadian super-rich Zionist activists. The dominant figures in the group—the Bronfman brothers, Steinhardt, and Fisher—all have longstanding personal and family organized-crime pedigrees, tracing back to the Meyer Lansky National Crime Syndicate. The Canada-based Bronfman gang, headed by Edgar and Charles' father Sam, and by Max Fisher, got their start as bootleggers during Prohibition. Fisher was a leader of the Detroit-based Purple Gang, which, in collusion with Moe Dalitz's Cleveland-centered "Jewish Navy," smuggled Bronfman's illegal booze across the Great Lakes from Canada into the Midwest. The Bronfman family motto, which applies to most of the Mega Group, is: "From rags, to rackets, to riches, to respectability."
Michael Steinhardt, like Edgar and Charles Bronfman, is the son of a Meyer Lansky lieutenant, "Red" Steinhardt, who was the National Crime Syndicate's number-one jewel fence. "Red" Steinhardt was also a partner with Lansky in the Havana casinos prior to Castro's takeover, and was also affiliated with the Genovese organized-crime family. According to Michael Steinhardt's autobiography, it was his father's ill-gotten gains that put him through the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business; and it was syndicate loot that started him on a successful career as a Wall Street speculator and hedge-fund manager.
For the past 15 years, Steinhardt has been one of Presidential wanna-be Sen. Joseph Lieberman's (D-Conn.) biggest boosters, having founded the neo-conservative Democratic Leadership Council (DLC), and promoted Lieberman as the group's poster boy.
Steinhardt grabbed headlines in January 2001, when he played a pivotal role in conning President Bill Clinton into granting a Presidential pardon to Russian Mafiya "Godfather" Marc Rich, one of Steinhardt's longtime business partners. Rich was a fugitive from U.S. Justice Department indictments for tax evasion and trading with the enemy (Iran). As EIR reported on Jan. 10, Rich is another source of dirty money flows into the Sharon camp, through his secret Russian Mafiya partner, Grigori Loutchansky, among others.
Mafiya Damage Control
In a Jan. 15 interview with a Washington, D.C.-based journalist, Steinhardt boasted about his recent intervention to sabotage the electoral campaign of Israeli Labor Party Chairman Amram Mitzna, which was also intended to control the damage being done by the spreading scandal over the Likud party's ties to organized crime, into which Steinhardt and the whole Mega Group could be swept.
On Jan. 12, Steinhardt said, he had had a private dinner with Ariel Sharon. While claiming that he does not support either major party in Israel, Steinhardt did insist, that the Jan. 28 elections must produce another "national unity government," along the lines of the coalition that Sharon formed in 2001, in which Labor Party leaders Shimon Peres and Binyamin Ben-Eliezer held the Foreign and Defense portfolios. Their participation with serial war-criminal Sharon, gave him and and his right-wing thug allies, 20 months in which they could tear apart the entire Oslo peace process, brutally exterminate much of the Palestinian Authority, and achieve Sharon's ultimate goal: the "ethnic cleansing" to remove all Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza.
Mitzna has repeatedly stated that he will not join a national unity government with the mobbed-up murderers of Likud, and will press for Israeli authorities to get to the bottom of the Sharon-Likud-Mafiya election theft scandals. Whatever the outcome on Jan. 28, it is widely acknowledged inside Israel, that the scandals have denied Sharon the landslide victory he was hoping for. Mitzna, in rejecting the national unity scheme, is paving the way for a near-term political victory, uncontaminated by compromise with Sharon. The organized-crime/Likud scandal has become too big to bury, and any Sharon government—minus Labor—would likely be short-lived and paralyzed by scandals.
This is something that the Mega Group—in particular Steinhardt and Rich—cannot tolerate.
Steinhardt and Rich
Steinhardt also admitted to the Washington journalist, that while in Israel, he met with Marc Rich, where they joined in promoting the Mega Group's favorite "charity," Birthright Israel, to which, he acknowledged, Rich is a major donor. Birthright Israel, founded by Steinhardt, and co-chaired by Charles Bronfman, is a U.S.-based charity, with "501(c)3" tax-exempt status, which sends Jewish youths, between 16 and 26, to Israel for indoctrination, to convince them to "make aliya"—i.e., to take up permanent residence.
But a closer look by EIR investigators at Birthright Israel raises some important questions about what the "charity" is actually all about. Among the most disturbing pieces of the picture is its close links to an Israeli-based "charity," the Mikhail Chernoy Foundation, a tax-exempt front, set up by one of the most notorious of the Russian Mafiya figures residing in Israel. The website of the Chernoy Foundation boasts that it is involved in joint projects with Birthright Israel.
Mikhail Chernoy is a major figure in the Russian Mafiya, whose "business" activities have been associated with Benya Stilitz's attempted takeover of Alpha Bank in Russia, and earlier Mafiya moves to corner the Russian aluminum sector, in league with none other than Marc Rich.
Stilitz is particularly close with Russian Mafiya don Grigori Lerner (a.k.a. Zvi Ben-Ari), who is scrutinized in Jeffrey Robinson's The Merger: The Conglomeration of International Organized Crime (New York: The Overlook Press, 2000). According to Robinson, after Lerner spent 18 months in jail in Russia for fraud, following a most unusual extradition from Switzerland, Lerner, in 1995, was permitted by the Israelis to found the Israeli-Russian Finance Co., accused of having been involved in laundering foreign funds.
Robinson reports that Lerner set up a string of shell companies around the globe, including in Panama, the Caribbean, Mauritius, Luxembourg, and Cyprus. Lerner became a major money launderer with the permission of the Israeli government, where there are no laws against money laundering. Lerner is also known to have given the former Israeli Minister of Trade and Industry Natan Sharansky, $100,000; through Sharansky, Lerner made approaches with his largesse to the Likud and other parties.
Mikhail Chernoy's Foundation was created in June 1, 2001, and is seen by Israeli investigators as a public relations ruse. Chernoy claims that it was created after the terrorist bombing of the Dolphinarium Disco in Tel Aviv, to aid the 150 survivors and families of the 20 dead, mostly Russian immigrants. The foundation website boasts that American youths whom Birthright Israel brings to Israel, have met with these bombing victims. One item on the Chernoy Foundation website reported: "The emotional meeting [between the Birthright Israel youths and the Dolphinarium survivors] was moderated by representatives of the Mikhail Chernoy Foundation, which has been assisting Dolphinarium victims from the very first night of the attack. The Foundation financed a book and is producing a movie."
Mikhail Chernoy's brother Lev has been a prime target of the Swiss investigation into the Russian Mafiya since he attempted to take over the Russian aluminum industry—allegedly with the assistance of Marc Rich. Also, according to Robinson, Swiss investigators believe that Lev Chernoy has ties with the Mega-linked "Russian oligarch" Boris Berezovsky, who is accused of siphoning $200 million in hard currency out of Aeroflot accounts and into Switzerland. Both Chernoy and Berezovsky are suspected of involvement with the Bank of New York, which laundered billions of dollars in hard currency and state assets out of the Soviet Union during the early 1990s. According to Robinson, the person behind many of these murky deals was Likud campaign contributor Grigori Loutchansky. A recent international law enforcement probe of the Bank of New York operations has turned up evidence that Marc Rich was a silent partner of Loutchansky's in the Nordex operations, which started out as a KGB money-laundering front in the late 1980s.
According to the book by the late Robert I. Friedman, Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America (Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 2000), Natan Sharansky, the former Soviet refusenik, head of the Russian emigré party Yisrael B'Aliyah, and a Sharon Cabinet minister, took millions of dollars from Loutchansky. Sharansky then introduced Loutchansky to former Likud Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is now Sharon's Foreign Minister. The Israeli press reported at the time, that Netanyahu took $1.5-5 million from Loutchansky, and the contributions to the Likud are never known to have stopped.
In 1994, new Israeli election laws were passed, making it a crime to accept foreign campaign contributions.
Show Me the Money
With Steinhardt and Rich running around Israel, promoting a pre-election revolt against Labor Party Chairman and lead candidate Mitzna, over his refusal to entertain the idea of a unity government with Sharon—the only thing that would save the Likud thug from a near-term political fall—another question must be asked: Is Birthright Israel, like so many other U.S.-based tax-exempt charities, serving as an illegal siphon into Sharon's and Likud's coffers on the eve of the election?
This is a matter that urgently needs to be taken up by Israeli and American prosecutors. While there is no "smoking gun" document, proving that Birthright Israel is funneling cash into the right wing, a careful review of the fund's U.S. 990 Internal Revenue Service filings poses some disturbing questions. According to the most recent filing available, covering the year 2000, in that year alone, Birthright Israel, with U.S. status as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt charity, took in nearly $50 million in contributions, from an undisclosed number of donors. In the same year, its total expenses—including sending U.S. students to Israel—cost under $5 million, leaving an unaccounted-for balance of $45 million!
The 990 forms also revealed that Birthright Israel, more than any other "charitable" agency, is dominated by the Mega Group's known members. Of the 12 names listed in the IRS filing as board members of Birthright Israel, at least 8 are publicly identified members of the Mega Group (based on a lone published profile of the group, that appeared in the Wall Street Journal in 1998). There is no reason to believe that the other four directors are not members as well, but this has not been confirmed, and most members of the super-secret steering committee are chary about discussing their affiliation, or anything else about Mega.
Who's Who in the Birthright Israel Foundation
The two co-chairmen of Birthright Israel are Mega co-founder and booze baron Charles R. Bronfman and Michael Steinhardt.
Other board members include:
Leonard Abramson, the founder of the health maintenance organization, U.S. Healthcare, which he sold to Aetna Insurance, pocketing $990 million on the deal. One Mega project that Abramson formed—at the Ariel Sharon's suggestion after his 2001 election as Israeli Prime Minister—was a group euphemistically called "Emet" (Hebrew for "Truth"). In a March 13, 2001 dispatch, the Jewish Telegraph Agency reported that Sharon wanted to launch a propaganda campaign to overturn the peace process, and the result was Emet. This black propaganda outfit for a "Greater Israel" has dismayed the Israeli peace lobby, because of its support for hard-line policies, such as those backed by Morton Klein and his Zionist Organization of America. Emet has both sent students to be indoctrinated at Tel Aviv University, and has worked with Birthright Israel International students.
Edgar Bronfman, Sr.. The brother of Charles R. Bronfman is also a member of Mega. Their father, Sam Bronfman, was a leading figure in the "Jewish Navy," which brought high-ticket booze from Canada into the U.S. during Prohibition, before "going legit," by building a second fortune in distilling, among other activities. Edgar Bronfman took over the World Jewish Congress (WJC) following the death of Nahum Goldmann, and transformed the international organization into a political dirty tricks agency, which complemented his personal efforts to prop up the dying Communist regimes of Eastern Europe, especially East Germany. Bronfman's Seagrams Liquor had negotiated lucrative business deals with the Communist Party bosses of East Germany and the Soviet Union. Bronfman had also promoted what syndicated columnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak labeled the "grain for Jews" deal between Moscow and Israel, which steered hundreds of thousands of Soviet Jewish emigrés into Israel (including a hefty percentage of Russian Mafiya criminals).
Ronald S. Lauder, heir to the Estée Lauder fortune. Lauder has used his millions to fund right-wing projects in the United States and Israel. According to a feature in the Jan. 29, 1996 issue of Jewish Week, based on a special investigation by reporters from Jewish Week and the Israeli daily Ha'aretz, Lauder had contributed both funds and other support to the Likud, when Netanyahu was running for Prime Minister (see "A Bigger Scandal: Illegal U.S. Funding of Sharon's Likud," EIR, Jan. 24). Among these illicit funding channels, was the Jerusalem-based Shalem Center, which Lauder has various founded, funded, and chaired; another Lauder conduit was the short-lived Israel Research Foundation. Lauder has been associated with Russian oligarch Berezovsky, who is one of the chief middlemen between "Godfather" Marc Rich and the Russian Mafiya dons. The Ronald S. Lauder Foundation, which dispurses some $10 million a year, has received sufficient contributions from the family cosmetics fortune to maintain a slush fund of around $20 million.
Marc Rich, remains in Zug, Switzerland, despite his pardon. Rich's ties to the Russian Mafiya pre-date his flight from U.S. law enforcement. It was Rich who sponsored the original Russian Mafiya immigration to Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, shortly after the U.S. Congress passed the Jackson-Vanik Amendment in 1974, linking all U.S.-Soviet trade to Moscow's treatment of Soviet Jewry, including emigration.
Leslie Wexner, another co-founder of Mega with Charles Bronfman. Among his several businesses, the best known is Victoria's Secret lingerie. Wexner is a board member of Lord Conrad Black's Hollinger International, Inc. media empire, which turned Israel's main English-language daily, the Jerusalem Post, into a mouthpiece for Sharon. Through Hollinger, Wexner rubs elbows with former British Prime Minister Lady Margaret Thatcher, Sir Henry Kissinger, and U.S. Defense Policy Board Chairman Richard Perle (a.k.a. "The Prince of Darkness"), who loudly advocates a "Clash of Civilizations."
Gary Winnick is the founder of the telecom firm, Global Crossing, whose Jan. 28, 2002 bankruptcy was the fourth largest in U.S. history, with $12 billion in debt. Before this crash, Winnick, who was described in Fortune magazine as having "spent like a Roman emperor," dumped his own holdings in the firm and ended up with an estimated $250-500 million. According to a Feb. 11, 2002 BBC News wire on Winnick: "Global Crossing's ... main Congress beneficiary, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) asked the Federal Communications Commission to encourage the development of undersea cables"—undersea fiber optic cables was Global Crossing's main asset.
Lew Wasserman is the former head of the Hollywood entertainment conglomerate Music Corporation of America (MCA), one of the Lansky National Crime Syndicate's first forays into the mass entertainment business. Wasserman was closely linked to Chicago-based crime syndicate lawyer Sidney Korshak, who was credited with consolidating the marriage between the mob and Hollywood.
Other Mega-linked Birthright Israel board members include: S. Daniel Abraham, Bonnie Lipton, Marlene Post, Arthur J. Samburg, and Lynn Schusterman.
"The Ugly Truth About the Anti-Defamation League" 6
"The Ugly Truth About the Anti-Defamation League" ADL #6
THE HOUR OF THE TIME This broadcast was taken in whole or in part from investigations conducted by the CAJI News Service, and the Intelligence Service, and from reports published by The Executive Intelligence Review entitled "The Ugly Truth About The ADL", and "Dope Inc.". Since the ADL has declared war on the patriots of this country, including patriotic Jewish people--all people in fact who are patriots, who understand that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are the only things that protect us from despotism, from the same kinds of things that happened to the Jews, to the gypsies, to the Poles, to the blacks, to the Catholics in Germany during World War II. And believe me, folks, the ADL is not Jews and it is not a representation of the Jewish people. They serve their British masters only. They manipulate the Jews through lies and deception; through that old bugaboo: anti-semitism; by painting swastikas on walls; and by taking out parade permits for the Nazi Party. Do you hear what I'm saying? I'm angry. Patriotic Americans in this country of all races, religions, and creeds have been labeled as right-wing, fanatic terrorists, threatening to overthrow the United States government. And it is a lie. The label has come from the ADL. We have been called racists and anti-semitic, and it is a lie. Before I go any further, I want to thank all of the Jewish patriots in this country who have called me and FAXed me with their support in this effort, and their denouncement of the ADL. And since the ADL is so powerful, I can't tell you who these people are because I don't want them to get a visit in the middle of the night. For the ADL is also a pack of goons and terrorists who have been known to perpetrate violence on several occasions. Tonight, you're going to hear the truth for the first time in your life about the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. And you're going to hear it Monday, and Tuesday, and Wednesday, and Thursday, and Friday of next week. And if necessary on and on, until you understand just exactly who these people are. What is the ADL? "The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith proclaims itself to be a non-profit corporation, designed to eliminate defamation of Jews and other religious and ethnic groups, to advance proper understanding among all peoples, and to preserve and translate into greater effectiveness the principles of freedom, equality, and democracy." This statement is taken directly from the bylaws of the ADL of B'nai B'rith, as amended by the National Commission, June 1982. And nothing, dear listeners, could be further from the truth. In repeated, flagrant violation of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Codes, the ADL operates as a tax-exempt public interest corporation, while in reality, ladies and gentlemen, it engages in a wide range of activities that are inherently criminal in nature, including interference in the judicial and law enforcement process; support for domestic and international terrorist organizations; instigation of hate crimes; espionage; support for suspected international narcotics traffickers; unregistered political activities; and covert activities on behalf of both hostile foreign governments and United States government, agencies generally linked to the International Social Democracy. It is a matter of historical record that before, during, and immediately after World War II, the Anti-Defamation League functioned as a covert action arm of the British Special Operations Executive under its North American Chief, Sir William Stephenson Through its 151-member National Commission and its paid staff maintaining regional offices in 31 cities in the United States, and a number of locations in Europe, the Middle East, Ibarow And everything that I am stating tonight, and will state in the following nights, have been proven, can be proven, and is a matter of fact. And most of it is in the public record. Above all else, ladies and gentlemen, the ADL is a public relations front for that branch of American organized crime founded by Meyer Lansky during the early decades of this century, under the patronage and sponsorship of leading Anglo-American financial interests. Anti-Defamation League officials, for this reason, were reportedly deeply dismayed when a man by the name of Lyndon LaRouche dubbed the ADL "the American drug lobby". More recently, the ADL has moved to deepen its ties to the Soviet foreign intelligence services operating in the west, and in the newly liberated nations of central Europe. The ADL, folks, according to its bylaws, is run by a National Commission which currently consists of 151 members. It is chaired by a National Chairman, currently Abe Foxman. The National Commission formally meets once each year. According to Article 7 of the bylaws in the interval between the National Commission annual meetings, the ADL's National Executive Committee acts for it. The NEC is composed of: a Chairman; a Senior Rabbi at Temple Immanuel in New York City; and Vice Chairman; the elected officers of the National Committee: the President; Executive Vice President; and Honorary Past Presidents of B'nai B'rith; together with: their counterparts of B'nai B'rith Women; the appointed Chairmen of all of the ADL Standing Committees; and the President of the ADL Foundation; together with: fifteen additional members of the National Committee who are elected by it. The ADL is formally affiliated with B'nai B'rith, which is the Jewish arm of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. However, this link is principally maintained through the B'nai B'rith's representation on ADL's National Commission. Unlike its parent organization the B'nai B'rith, the ADL is not a membership organization. In other words, you cannot join the ADL, as many Jewish people erroneously believe. You cannot join the ADL. Membership is by nomination or invitation only. In this sense, the ADL bears a greater likeness to the secret lodges of Freemasonry than its B'nai B'rith parent organization, which was originally conceived in the mid-nineteenth century as a Jewish branch of British Freemasonry. Remember, British Intelligence and the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry was behind the Civil War. You see, it was all right for the states to secede from the Union. But it was not OK to fire upon a United States fort. The current President of B'nai B'rith is Seymour D. Reich And that's not correct, folks. I'm reading from a report. It is now Abe Foxman. Of the current 151 active National Commission members, a smaller core group directs the overall activities of the ADL's staff through participation in Standing Committees of the National Committee. The Standing Committees are organized in precise parallel to the ADL's staff divisions and departments, thus permitting the maximum flow of marching orders and other inputs from the National Commission into the day-to-day activities of the League's paid employees. In this sense, Edgar Bronfman, and other leading National Commissioners, run the ADL. Standing Committee Chairmen of the ADL who, together with their committee members, are appointed by the National Chairman, include: Howard P. Berkowitz These committees, ladies and gentlemen, correspond to the divisions of the ADL's full-time staff. And the divisions include the following: Administration: concerned with the ADL's internal affairs, it was directed by Philip Seamus Civil Rights: is a division that works through departments on Fact-Finding, Research, and Evaluation. Legal Affairs: a Washington, D.C. office where a task force on Nazi war criminals is based, and four regional area coordinators. Community Service: this division directs the 31 regional offices throughout the United States, whose directors work closely with regional boards appointed by the National Committee. Communications: handles public relations and the production of material. Until January 1990, its director was Lynn Ianniello. Development: it oversees the fund-raising activities of the ADL Appeal. Intergroup Relations: is made up of departments on Education, Higher Education, Campus Affairs, Interfaith Affairs, Television, Radio, and Film Publications and an International Center for Holocaust Studies. International Affairs: compromises departments in the United States concerned with European, Latin American, and Middle Eastern affairs-- and yes, I meant "compromises"-- and is in charge of ADL's overseas operations, including the offices in Paris, Rome, and Jerusalem. Leadership: recruits potential future leaders and coordinates an ADL national leadership conference. The ADL, ladies and gentlemen, has over 300 people who hold leadership or honorary leadership positions. Among this list are a number of Honorary Vice Chairmen who are closely linked to the ADL, but who, for various reasons, including government service, cannot serve as active officers. This group includes: Senators: Rudy Bauschwitz former Carter administration Secretary of Commerce: Philip Klutznick; former Reagan Administration Arms Control negotiator: Max Kampelman; and former Senator: Abraham Rubikoff Representative: Sidney Yates, Democrat, Illinois. World Jewish Congress President, Edgar Bronfman, is also an Honorary Vice Chairman, along with two other major crime figures from the old Meyer Lansky orbit: bankers: Leonard Abess With the exception of members of Congress, all of those that I just read off are Honorary Vice Chairmen, and were at one time active National Commission members. Among the active corps of ADL operatives are: Burton S. Levinson ADL National Chairman since 1987. And his work with ADL dates back to 1950 when, as a student at Los Angeles City College, he infiltrated a group affiliated with Gerald L. K. Smith. Now, he is a senior partner in the Beverly Hills-based law firm of Levinson and Liebermann. Abraham H. Foxman: who is now the head, the ADL National Director since 1987. He has worked on the staff of the ADL since 1965. He was born in Baronowicz Arnold Forster was Associate Director of the ADL under Ben Epstein since 1946, and is now a member of the National Committee and ADL General Counsel. He has been of counsel with the New York law firm of Shay and Gould Kenneth J. Bailken this former ADL National Chairman from 1982 to 1986 is today an Honorary Chairman, a National Committee member, as well as President of the ADL Foundation. Theodore H. Silbert: an Honorary Vice Chairman. He works with Edgar Bronfman and the lucrative Greater New York Appeal for the ADL. Silbert is Chairman of the Sterling National Bank. Burton M. Joseph: ADL National Chairman from 1976 to 1978, is today an Honorary Chairman. His family runs the Minnesota-based agricultural products firm, I. S. Joseph. After World War II, Joseph teamed up politically with liberal Democrat Hubert H. Humphrey, through whom he became friends of Max M. Kampelman, now ADL Honorary Vice Chairman, and ADL top funder, Dwayne Andreas. Together, they form the Indianapolis ADL mafia. Edgar Bronfman: ADL Honorary National Chairman and head of its Greater New York Appeal. Irwin Sewell: since 1966, he is head of the Fact-Finding Department of the ADL's Civil Rights Division. Meyer Eisenberg ADL Vice Chairman, and former head of the National Commission's Civil Rights Committee, with oversight over the Fact-Finding and Legal Departments. He served from 1959 to 1970 as an attorney with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, attaining the position of Deputy General Counsel of the SEC before his retirement from government. In private law practice with a string of Washington, D.C. area law firms, Eisenberg remains one of the nation's experts on securities law. It was no public relations gaff when in 1985 the Anti-Defamation League gave its "Torch of Liberty Award" to gangster Morris Delitz The present leadership of the ADL is dominated by figures with long standing ties to organized crime, particularly to the international drug money laundering apparatus. Foremost among these contaminated ADL officials is Kenneth Bailken, the ex-National Chairman who is still an Honorary National Chairman, and a director of the ADL Foundation. While with the New York law firm of Wilkie, Farr, and Gallagher Vesco, the fugitive financier, now living in Havana, Cuba, was an early partner of Medellin Cartel dope smuggler, Carlos Ledder Rivas On April 17th, 1989, Robert Vesco was again indicted by a federal grand jury in Jacksonville, Florida which charged him with involvement in a Medellin cartel cocaine smuggling conspiracy from 1974 to 1989. In January 1980, a jury in the U.S. Southern District of New York, ordered Wilkie, Farr and Gallagher to pay $35 million to victims of the IOS looting, and found that Bailken had been instrumental in structuring the money laundering and theft scheme at every level. Law enforcement officials believe that IOS was one of the early conduits for billions of dollars in drug profits, and was a cash repository used by Meyer Lansky. Recently, Bailken left Wilkie, Farr to join the country's largest firm--Scadden Arps Two of Scadden Arps' most notorious clients are Drexel Burnham's Michael Milken and Ivan Boesky, both of whom, not coincidentally, have been ADL contributors. Another ADL National Chairman, Burton Joseph, played a pivotal role in the Robert Vesco take-over and looting of IOS by putting Vesco into contact with his protege, financier Meschulem Rickless Rickless, according to court records, purchased a controlling block of IOS stock as a surrogate for Vesco. Rickless was later linked to Bailken, Edgar Bronfman, Henry Kissinger, and other Anti-Defamation League figures in a real estate scandal involving the illegal purchase of large tracts in the Israeli occupied territories, and Christian and Muslim sections of Jerusalem. During Bailken's tenure at Wilkie Farr, the firm also handled pro bono legal work for the Anti-Defamation League, and represented major Anti-Defamation League donor and suspected crime figure, Edmond Safra. Bailken represented Safra in the Syrian banker's take-over of American Express, a transaction that ended years later in a fiasco with American Express officials accusing Safra of money laundering. On January 3rd, 1989, officials of the United States Customs Service and the United States Drug Enforcement Administration in Bern, Switzerland, identified Edmond Safra as a major figure in an international drug money laundering scheme involving the Shikarki Now, according to aids to Safra, he arranged that the ADL receive $1 million from money he won in a lawsuit in 1989. There is one financial institution that is more closely linked to the ADL than any other: Sterling National Bank of New York City. On January 29th, 1982, Italian authorities filed civil suit against Sterling National Bank and other U.S. financial institutions on behalf of depositors in Banca Privata Italiana, charging that $27 million had been looted. The Chairman of Sterling, both at the time of the alleged theft and today, is Theodore H. Silbert, another Honorary Vice Chairman of the ADL and the former head of the ADL Appeal, its major fund-raising arm. Law enforcement sources have identified Sterling National as a mob front since its founding in 1929 by Meyer Lansky--by Meyer Lansky. Associate Frank Erickson Do you understand what I'm saying, folks? These people are solidly and completely linked to organized crime. Meyer Lansky's associate, Frank Erickson, founded Sterling National as a mob front. Sterling National was also implicated in a tax evasion scheme in the early 1980s through another ADL-linked bank director, Arnold Burns, a Reagan-era U.S. Deputy Attorney General. Burns' law firm, Burns and Summit Former Reagan official, Ambassador to Italy, Maxwell Robb Yet another mob-linked banker who sits on the ADL's National Commission, and is listed in the League's most recent "Purpose and Program" as an Honorary Vice Chairman is Leonard Abess of the City National Bank of Miami. in 1981, Abess brought Colombian cartel money launderer Alberto Duke into the bank's board, where he remained until he was jailed on money laundering charges in 1986. The following year, Donald Beazley And I wrote about the Nuegen Hand Bank in my book five years ago. A listing of ADL financial contributors and award recipients over the recent decades reads like a "Who's Who" of the Meyer Lansky international crime syndicate. Long-time Lansky cronies such as Victor Posner, Hollywood attorney, Sidney Korshak The same pattern holds true at the regional levels of the ADL. For example, Phil Baskin, a Pittsburgh attorney and Democratic Party fixer, known to be the chief operator of the ADL in western Pennsylvania, was forced to resign as the senior partner in his law firm after being implicated in an effort to deliver a major airport construction contract to a top figure in the New York City Gambino family, Nicky Sands Further south, Paul Lipkin No discussion of the ADL's ties to organized crime and the drug apparatus would be complete without reference to Edgar Bronfman, ADL Honorary Vice Chairman and Chief of its New York Appeal. Today, touted as a leading international business man, philanthropist, and Chairman of the prestigious World Jewish Congress, Bronfman has been unable to erase the taint left by the fact that his entire family fortune, Seagrams Corporation, its majority share in E. I. DuPont, DeNumois By no later than 1920, when Edgar's father, Sam Bronfman, and Arnold Rothstein, agent Jacob Katzenberg To this day, elements of the Bronfman family remain tied to the gutter levels of organized crime, while Edgar and his brother and cousins have managed to wrap themselves in a somewhat ragged cloak of respectability. Edgar's nephew, Mitchell Bronfman, was named in a 1972 Montreal Crime Commission report as an intimate of local crime boss, Willie O'Bront Taken directly from a book entitled "The Bronfman Dynasty" by Peter C. Newman O'Bront and another Mitchell Bronfman crime partner, Sidney Rosen were both jailed in the mid-1970s for drug money laundering and related crimes when, in 1978, the links of the Bronfman family to organized crime were published in the book-length study of the international illegal drug trade, entitled "Dope, Incorporated". I advise all of you, everyone listening, purchase the book entitled "Dope, Incorporated". That is, "Dope, Incorporated". This book was commissioned by the LaRouche organization, and the research was done by the "Executive Intelligence Review". The Citizens Agency for Joint Intelligence and the Intelligence Service have duplicated the research along ago. You remember, folks, we did a five-part series on the ADL already once before. Bronfman, according to Quebec police sources, ordered his attorneys to prepare a multi-million dollar libel suit, but after careful deliberation, the attorneys strongly argued against such an action. Instead, Bronfman reportedly poured large amounts of money into the Anti-Defamation League. Almost immediately, the Anti-Defamation League began a shrill publicity and dirty tricks campaign slandering LaRouche as an anti-semite and demanding his elimination. They eventually framed him and sent him to jail. He is free now. He has been released. He has documented his frame-up. The facts say that Lyndon LaRouche, no matter what you think of his politics, was innocent. He was put away because he did what I'm doing tonight. He told the truth about the ADL. In its March/April 1990 edition, the West German magazine, "Semite", self-described as "the independent Jewish magazine", published a blistering expose of ADL Honorary Vice Chairman Edgar Bronfman's dealing with the now-toppled regime of East German communist dictator, Erich Honecker. The article by Jacob Dachauer The essence of the "Semite" expose is that Bronfman used his credentials as head of the once-respected World Jewish Congress to absolve the German Democratic Republic of any responsibility for the war-time holocaust in return for a series of lucrative concessions to market his whiskey in the German communist paradise. If you're a Jewish patriot, I hope you were listening to that. As the "Executive Intelligence Review" has reported, Bronfman's courtship of the Honecker regime began in 1986 when an associate of his traveled to East Berlin to meet with Klaus Geise Klaus Geise's son is Gregor Geise In subsequent trips, Bronfman met with Honecker and S.E.D. Central Committee member Hermann Axen Edgar's brother and business partner, Charles Bronfman of Montreal, became a prominent figure in Canadian East German friendship groups and had veto power over all G.D.R. visas issued to Canadians until the collapse of the communist regime in November 1989. These extensive G.D.R. links have led some intelligence analysts to conclude that Edgar and Charles Bronfman have especially close ties to General Markus Wolf, the head of the East German... and I can't even pronounce it, but it's called "STASSE" Edgar Bronfman enjoys equally close ties to the regime in Moscow, and those links have grown even firmer since the accession to power of Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985. According to sources familiar with Bronfman's Russian links, the Canadian whiskey baron has been a long-time associate of Alexander Yakovlev, the former Soviet Ambassador in Ottawa, who was one of Gorbachev's closest advisors. Gorbachev is now in San Francisco at the Presidio trying to bring about the one-world government. Yakovlev sits on both the Politburo and the newly-formed Presidential Council. In scores of speeches and commentaries written since Gorbachev rose to power, Bronfman has called upon the United States to grant the Soviet Union most-favored-nation status, membership in GATT, and access to the most advanced western technologies. In a press release issued by his office on March 22nd, 1989, for example, Bronfman hailed Gorbachev for overturning socialism in one country, declaring: "It is in United States interest to prevent even a partial reversal of Perestroika." Bronfman is a board member of the United States Soviet Trade and Economic Cooperation Council, called USSTECC, a collection of American "Fortune 500" executives and Soviet trade officials actively pushing expanded trade between the two super-powers. According to a United States State Department document, the Soviet delegation to USSTECC is known by the CIA to be dominated by KGB and GRU--which most of you don't know about: it is the Soviet military intelligence--operatives. Up until recently, the Soviet Co-chairman of the group was KGB General Yvgeni Petrovich Petrovenov On January 23rd, 1989, syndicated columnists Evans and Novak reported on a secret meeting at Edgar Bronfman's New York City apartment, which also involved USSTECC officials Dwayne Andreas and James Giffen, together with Morris Abrams and Simek Denitz The genesis of that scheme dates back to January 1985 when Edgar Bronfman, at the Governing Board meeting of the World Jewish Congress in Vienna, proposed that the organization oppose the Reagan administration's Strategic Defense Initiative on Jewish grounds. Oh, brother. When Bronfman also announced in April of that same year that he would lead the World Jewish Congress in an effort to prevent President Reagan from visiting a German cemetery at Bittburg In similar gestures of support for Gorbachev, Bronfman has taken the point in forcing the resignation of the head of the West German Parliament, Philip Geninger In addition, at a widely-publicized press conference in Budapest, Hungary, on May 4th, 1987, Bronfman branded Austrian President Kurt Waldheim an essential component of the Nazi killing machine. Now, the charges against Waldheim were based largely on Soviet-forged documents and perjured testimony, and were part of a major destabilization of Austria and the Vatican. No wonder Bronfman became a frequent commuter between New York and Moscow. You see, weeks after Bronfman's secret New York City planning session on February 11th, 1989, Edgar Bronfman led the largest delegation of Jewish leaders to ever visit Moscow. On December 13th, 1989, Bronfman was back in Moscow again, this time heading a delegation of 100 western Jewish leaders to attend the opening of a Jewish cultural center. One week later, Kenneth Jacobson, the International Affairs Director of the ADL, announced that an ADL delegation would also visit Moscow in early 1990 to pursue President Gorbachev's offer to open an office in the Soviet capitol. Next to Edgar Bronfman, Minneapolis grain merchant Dwayne Andreas, who participated in the Bronfman apartment meeting in which the "Jews For Grain" plot was activated, is the ADL patron most responsible for the deep ties between the League and the Russian regime. Although Andreas is not Jewish, he is one of the ADL's most generous donors. At a critical point in the late 1970s, when the ADL was financially on the skids, Andreas, at the request of ADL National Chairman, Burton Joseph, of the Minneapolis agricultural equipment firm, I. E. Joseph, put up the seed money to establish the Anti-Defamation League Foundation. Andreas's relations with the ADL date back to his early political training by ADL National Chairman, Ben Epstein, a relationship that Andreas described during Congressional testimony in 1987 as, quote: "Mr. Ben Epstein, may he rest in peace, who was my friend for 20 years, to his everlasting credit was my mentor and guidance on the matters of diplomatic positions. I worked with him for weeks on this problem of how to expand trade with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics." End quote. The September 26th, 1986 "Wall Street Journal", in a front page piece, titled "Gorbachev's Pal: Dwayne Andreas Gains a Position as the Kremlin's Apparent Favorite", identified Andreas as the successor to Occidental Petroleum's Chairman Armand Hammer, now 91, as the Soviet regime's favorite capitalist. Actually, Armand Hammer is no longer with us, ladies and gentlemen, and has been exposed as a raging communist. It was apparently Andreas, who has had more private audiences with Gorbachev than any other westerner, who arranged the invitation for the ADL to set up shop in Moscow, ostensibly in order to help combat anti-semitism inside Russia. A former State Department Intelligence Officer told the "Executive Intelligence Review" that the real purpose of establishing the ADL office in Moscow was to improve the Anti-Defamation League coordination with the KGB in running pro-Gorbachev propaganda inside the United States. Another feature of the ADL's current go-east push is the effort by Bronfman and others to move in on the lucrative new markets in the liberated nations of central Europe on behalf of organized crime. For instance, the Canadian real estate billionaires, the Reichmann brothers, represented by the ADL-linked law firm of Shay Gould and the ADL-linked investment house of Bier Sterns ADL links to the Bolshevik regime and its intelligence services date back literally decades. Even during World War II, when the Soviet Union and the United States were allied against the Nazis, certain ADL officials were kept on United States military intelligence watch lists as suspected Soviet agents. According to one eye-witness account, Sanford Griffith, who headed the equivalent of the Fact-Finding Division during and immediately following World War II, was on such a list. And if you'll remember, the ADL was caught spying not too long ago on American citizens, American groups, and even Jews. The April 5th, 1955 issue of "Headlines and What's Behind Them", catalogues a controversial instance in which the ADL provided cover for a known Soviet intelligence agent. The Soviet agent in question, Vladimir Stepankowski Through Solomon's ties to United States Army Lieutenant Colonel Eugene Prince, an intelligence officer in charge of immigration background checks, Stepankowski was able to penetrate American war-time intelligence operations. In 1954, he was identified by Elizabeth Bentley By this point, the ADL had deployed the Soviet agent into the National Renaissance Party of Robert Madal According to the "Headlines" account, the Madal group attracted a small corps of members, principally on the basis of the Anti-Defamation League providing NRP founder Madal with a stable of prostitutes from the Mickey Jelkie Joseph McCarthy was right. And this nation as a whole did him wrong. Good night until Monday. And God bless you all. |
Bronfman and the Mafia - Sells Out the United States to Russia - HiddenMysteries Conspiracy Archive
Uncovering the Hidden
Bronfman and the Mafia
Sells Out the United States to Russia

7/2/1996 -- Bitterly, former Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion referred to Mussolini admirer Vladimir Jabotinsky, as "Vladimir Hitler". In the process leading to the establishment of the state of Israel, the faction of the Irgun ("The Organization"), linked to Mussolini-admirer Jabotinsky, was something which most Jews, worldwide, denounced in fearful whispers. The hard-core of the Irgun were fascitsts by profession, politically allied with Mussolini, strongly objecting to Adolf Hitler's anti-Semitism, but not Hitler's other fascists crimes. At the core, they were also gangsters, partly recruited from the circles of organized crime, and notorious for gangsters' methods of settling political differences with Irgun critics. The Jewish ring reaches high into the ranks of the Executive Branch of the U.S. government, into the Congress, and extends its wicked influence into the federal court. This is not merely an Israeli spy-ring, it is a spy-ring operating under the Israeli flag, but controlled by a network of Soviet agents, centered around the notorious Armand Hammer and the Bronfman family interests. Behind the ring, is the second generation of the Irgun apparatus of the late 1940s.
The extensive history of Israeli spying against the United States is reported in return for the Russia's release of Soviet Jews, the Israeli have passed on material to the Russians as a quid pro quo. The Russians very much want to get back into the Israeli picture. They want a presence there, and the Russians are now pushing this relationship as far as they can. Highly placed sources in Israel, date former defence Minister Ariel Sharon's negotiations with Moscow to approximately 1978. The best corroborated evidence currently, is that Sharon became a Soviet asset about 1981. When discussing this problem, most intelligence experts point to Sharon's surreptitious trips into the Soviet bloc.
A brief background
Shortly after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky worked with a group of Polish Bolshevisks, to set up a now-famous Russian foreign-intelligence capability known as "The Trust". The Trust was a network of financial interests closely associated with the Communist International's apparatus outside Russia. There is one important feature of The Trust, which must be emphasized to understand the mechanics of this particular Israeli spy-ring. Most of the literature on the subject of the Trust, mistakenly, proposes that the Trust was created after the 1917 Russian Revolution. It is true, that the Trust as such was organized by Polish Bolsheviks, such as Felix Dzerzinskii, working closely with Leon Trotsky, and with the assistance of British spy Sidney Reilly and of the patron of today's Jon Speller, Commander Sergius Riis. Up to that point, such reports are factually true, but profoundly misleading.
Trust had been a pre-revolutionary associate of the vast, immensely funded operation of Alexander Helphand's (Parvus's). The point to be grasped, is that all modern radicalism in Europe and the Americas, has been established under the sponsorship of wealthy financier family- interests. The Jacobins under Robespierre, Danton, and Marat, were created and backed by powerful Swiss banking families from Geneva and Lausanne, with support from the British East India Company's Shelbourne, Pitt, and Bentham, in London. The French utopian socialists of the early 19th century, were funded and steered by the same banking circles.
The Jewish component of the funding of the Russian Mensheviks and Bolsheviks, is only an aspect of the operations centered in Parvus's networks. There are two areas of the pre-1917 map of Eastern Europe, on which to concentrate attention, to understand the Jewish-financier component of the Soviet Trust organization. The most important is the city of Odessa and nearby Bessarabia. The second is the old Livonian city of Vilna, dominated by Jewish light-industry manufacturers; it was the Vilna-based apparatus which had been the network smuggling funds to Plekhanov's circles in Switzerland, and smuggled Russian Marxist literature into Russia.
Both Sidney Reilly and Parvus originated from Odessa, and Trotsky's earliest political career was centered there. Many of the Jewish gangster-families of Canada and the United States, were immigrants from this region of Russia and Romania. Once Russia had both fission and fusion arsenals, and, by 1956, had established unchallenged control over the new colonies in Eastern Europe, Russia was prepared to restore the partnership with the Western factions of the Trust, and Western-based elements of the old Communist International apparatus.
In the English-speaking world, it is the British, Canadian, and U.S.A. variety of wealthy Soviet fellow-travellers, such as Averell and Pamela Harriman, McGeorge Bundy, Henry A. Kissinger, David Rockefeller, and so forth, which are most noticeable. The innermost thinking of the Western Trust partners can be found on Venice's island of St. George Major, the site of the Cini Foundation. The Jewish component of the Trust is run from the Venice of Parvus's sponsor, Count Volpi di Misurata, as it has been since the 13th century. The center of everything dirty penetrating Jewish circles, since the 13th century, to the present day, is the Luzzatto family of Venice: the Luzzattos, Recanati, and the Syrian Jewish families of Aleppo: the Jewish families adjunct to the phanariots of the old Byzantine and the Ottoman empires.
Russia's main satrapal power in the Middle East and the Mediterranean. The power of that new Venice would flow from its dominance in international gun-smuggling, drug-running, money-laundering, and other organized criminal activities. A key included feature of Israel's "Greater" destiny is the permanent annexation and settlement of the West Bank, with 1.3 million Jews, by not later than the year 2010, according to the Sharon Plan. However, the one thing required besides land to realize the West Bank policy, is warm bodies to occupy that land. This was the primacy topic of well-publicized discussions between Trust agents Armand Hammer and Edgar Bronfman's brother Charles, and Soviet party leader Mikhail Gorbachov. This is also the crucial feature of Ariel Sharon's "Project Independence", which has brought together top Jewish financiers cum organized-crime figures, such as Hammer, Bronfman, Max Fisher, and Kenneth Bialkin, to discuss "financial investments" in Israel.
If the Israelis carry out their end of the bargain, the Russians will allow up to 500,000 Russian Jews to emigrate to Israel, if and only if, they agree to settle on the West Bank. Elaborated arrangements were afoot to bypass the traditional emigration route through Austria - and thereby prevent the majority of emigres from typically changing course for America. Edgar Bronfman admitted that as the result of his negotiations with the Soviets on behalf of the Israeli government, the Soviets are prepared to release 400,000 Soviet Jews, if the Israelis will aid them in getting technology from the United States.
The Landsky Plan
During or about 1967, with the accession of the Trust's agent, Yuri Andropov, to the leadership of the Soviet KGB, the Russians began to move directly into major drug-running operations against the West. During the same period, leading figures in the Irgun apparatus took a decision to attempt to bring their leading Jewish organizes-crime collaborators in the West to Israel, as a means of turning Israel into a major center for all aspects of organized crime, including gun and dope running and money laundering. In 1968, Israeli Finance Minister Pinchas Sapir, the creator of Israel's "offshore" banking system, sponsored a "millionaires conference" in Jerusalem. All in attendence were in one way or another connected to the Israeli intelligence apparatus responsible for the weapons and money that helped create Israel in 1948. Among them were : Louis Boyar and Sam Rothberg - Henry Crown - Max Fisher - Ray Wolfe - Shaul Eisenberg - Raphael Recanati - Philip Klutznik.
Out of this conference, the Israel Corporation was created, an official government corporation. It was later exposed for illegal laundering of funds into the Banque du Credit International, set up by Tibor Rosenbaum and Pinchas Sapir. The first mobster to come to Israel was Joe Stacher, Lansky's life-long associate. Stacher, who faced five years in prison in the United States, was brought over at the instigation of Haim Bassoc, a leading member of the National Religious Party, and his close friend, Rabbi Menachem Porush, a leader of Agudat Israel. These organizations were leading factional allies of Menachem Begin's Herut party, and backers of the terrorist Gush Emunim settlement sect. Stacher and Landsky began heavily funding several Agudat Yeshivas, and became backers of West Bank settlements.
The public embrace of leading international mobsters by political and religious leaders in Israel was only that, a public display of a long-term relationship dating from the origins of the Israeli state itself. Israel's creation following World War II depended upon the help of British intelligence's Special Operations Executive (SOE) under Col. William Stephenson.
Stephenson incorporated these mobsters into the SOE's network, on the original pretext that they would be useful in anti-Nazi activities in the United States and Italy. Stephenson's top aide in the project was Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, who, although a Canadian subject, became the principal recruiter for the FBI's Division 5 counterintelligence section. Bloomfield, of the elite Order of Malta (Hospitallers), until his death in 1984. It was precisely this network that was utilized for the post-war creation of Israel. Exemplary of the network was the Sonneborn Institute. The express purpose of the Institute was to provide the Haganah, and later, the Irgun, with weapons and money. The leading personnel of the Institute included :
Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Former Secretary of the Treasury. He was coordinating Sonneborn fundraising and illegal money-transfer. Teddy Kollek. Former Haganah chief in New York. Later, he became the mayor of Jerusalem. Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield. He supervised the organized crime networks, he also served for SOE's Division 5 of the FBI. Adolf Schwimmer. He functioned as on-the ground smuggling coordinator. Later, he founded Israeli Aircraft Industries, a major weapons conduit for Israel to this day. He was also a business partner of Shaul Eisenberg, the main coordinator of Israeli gun-running activity today.
The same networks and routes utilized for bootlegging, after prohibition, were used for drug trafficking. The drug supply was that previously established by Arnold Rothstein in Shanghai and Hong Kong.
The Landscam Scandal
The real story behing the landscam scandal broke in the Israeli press. Two Israeli land dealers, Edmund Levy and Ze'ev Golan, were accused of forging a document allowing them to sell the land of a Palestinian family. The plan directed "Gush Emunim" organization in setting up sattelite settlements on the edge of older ones, thus enabling them to portray these as merely extensions of existing settlements, not new ones. This is exactly what is happening now inspite the peace accord.
In 1979, an Israeli high court ruled that West Bank land could be bought privately by individual Israelis. In addition it delivered a ruling that would rapidly expand the amount of land in Israeli hands. That process enable Israel to retain today 64% of the land surface in the West Bank and 40% of the land surface in Gaza, even after the redeployment of January 1996. (The activity of land confiscations by the military occupation apparatus is also included in the figure).
Israel is seeking to completely redeem Jerusalem. The estimate of funds necessary has been cited as $ 100 million. Contributions to this plot are coming from : 1- Tefahot Mortgage Bank 2- North American Bank of Israel 3- United Mizrahi Bank 4- Cyril Stein 5- PEF (israel Endowment Funds) 6- Robert Jacobs 7- Abraham Dwek 8- Albert Kaplan 9- Dr. Irving Moscowitz 10- Terry Risenhoover 11- Douglas Krieger 12- Pastor James Deloach 13- Dr. Charles Monroe 14- Michael and Barbara Ledeen 15- Lambert Dolphin 16- Pat Robertson 17- Joseph Churba 18- Stanley Goldfoot 19- Yuval Ne'eman 20- Geula Cohen 21- Gershon Solomon 22- Eduardo Recanati 23- Dov Schilansky 24- Yisrael Medad 25- Asher Kaufman
Israel is unwilling to accept any kind of negotiations regarding the final status of Jerusalem in the current peace talks.
Whose ally is Israel ?
On Nov. 21, 1985, the American people were informed that a U.S. Naval Intelligence specialist named Jonathan Jay Pollard had been apprehended that day by the FBI, at the Israeli embassy in Washington. Pollard had been confronted by the FBI three days earlier, with solid proof that he was spying for Israel. Pollard was an Israeli agent. But he may or may not have known that he was actually a Soviet agent. The unit of the Israeli secret service for which Pollard worked, sought to obtain U.S. secrets for the purpose of passing them on to the Russians. Pollard was carrying the day of his arrest 60 classified documents relating to U.S. Intelligence-gathering operations of the anti-terrorist Alert Center.
Since 1976 the Israeli secret services assembled several of its top operatives in the U.S. congress and defence establishment to form a network inside USA. Three overlapping institutions currently used by the Israeli intelligence: 1- The Jewish Institute of National Security Affairs (JINSA). 2- Americans for a safe Israel (ASI). 3- Individual cells in the National Security Council, the U.S. State Department, and the U.S. Justice Department, and a network within the American press. Some of these figures are Elliot Abrams, Bernard Kalb, Peter Rodman, Judge Abraham Sofaer.
Anti-Defamation League ADL
The Anti-Defamation League ADL founded in 1908 by Canon Edward West, a public relations division of B'nai B'rith. The ADL is considered to be the most powerful organization in the USA. Las Vegas businessman Morris Barney Dalitz, one of the most important figures of the ADL is one of the most important figures in organized crime over a period of sixty years, and as a lifetime right-hand man to organized crime's 20th-century, Meyer Lansky, known as the godfather of organized crime.
Dalitz was well aware of the fact that the ADL was, from its founding, a powerful secret arm of the National Crime Syndicate. Without the ADL's undaunted "public relations" work on behalf of organized crime, the USA would have never been flooded with illegal drugs and gangsters.
On the Canadian side, the booze was manufactured by the Bronfman Gang, led by Sam and Abe Bronfman, second generation Romanian immigrants whose father had been brought over to Canada by the B'nai B'rith allied Baron de Hirsch Fund. Their pure drug company was established with the help of the Hudson's Bay Company to manufacture illegal Whiskey. By the beginning of the 1980's, drug money-narco-dollars- had already became the primary source of liquidity to fuel the stock market and real estate speculative bubbles facilitated by the Carter and Reagan administration's deregulation of the banking and brokerage industries. As the power of drug money grew, so too did the political and financial clout of the ADL.
Since December 1985, the FBI admitted that a "Jewish underground" had emerged as a serious terrorist threat to the United States of America.
Excerpts from:
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
The Final Trial: Mary - revered by both Christians and Muslims as the vessel through whom God made the word, Jesus Christ, incarnate

'Isa al-Maseeh (PBUH),
Jesus Christ, the word by whom all has been created by God.
From the Holy Qur'an Surah and verse.036.081 "Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth able to create the like thereof?" - Yea, indeed! for He is the Creator Supreme, of skill and knowledge (infinite)!
(See also:
016.040 For to anything which We have willed, We but say the word, "Be", and it is.)
007.054 Your Guardian-Lord is God, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then He established Himself on the Throne (of authority): He draweth the night as a veil o'er the day, each seeking the other in rapid succession: He created the sun, the moon, and the stars, (all) governed by laws under His command. Is it not His to create and to govern? Blessed be God, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds!
This proclaims the pre-existence of the word of God
056.077 That this is indeed a Qur'an Most Honourable,
056.078 In Book well-guarded,
056.079 Which none shall touch but those who are clean:
056.080 A Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds.
085.021 Nay, this is a Glorious Qur'an,
085.022 (Inscribed) in a Tablet Preserved
043.003 We have made it a Qur'an in Arabic, that ye may be able to understand (and learn wisdom).
043.004 And verily, it is in the Mother of the Book, in Our Presence, high (in dignity), full of wisdom.
(The above here from the Holy Qur'an 043.003 and 043.004, is the Holy Spirit as wisdom of God , refered to as her in Christendom and is the Holy Spirit by whom the word of God was made incarnate by Mary whom she gave birth to, Jesus Christ, without human begetting and without God begetting as humans do. See next verse, below.)
019.035 It is not befitting to (the majesty of) God that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! when He determines a matter, He only says to it, "Be", and it is.
26... the angel Gabriel was sent from God into a city of Galilee, called Nazareth,
27 To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David: and the virgin's name was Mary.
28 And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.
29 Who having heard, was troubled at his saying and thought with herself what manner of salutation this should be.
30 And the angel said to her: Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found grace with God.
31 Behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb and shalt bring forth a son: and thou shalt call his name Jesus.
Gabriel is relaying to Mary what God's command is. Gabriel is not commanding it. God is commanding it to be.
cf. John 1:1-5
¶ In (the) beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and God was the word.
2 The same was in (the) beginning with God.
3 All things through him came to be, and without him came to be not one thing. Which came into being 4 in him was life, and the life was the light of men;
5 ¶ And the light in the darkness shines and the darkness did not grasp it.
'Isa al-Maseeh, Jesus Christ, the word by whom all has been created by God, is by the teaching of God in the Injil (the Gospel) and the Qur'an, the all holy (always sinless - pure [Mary is also sinless by both the Injil and Qur'an]) servant of God to whom God reveals all things and who is the prophet of God which Moses foretold would come (Dt:18:15:15 ¶ The Lord thy God will raise up to thee a PROPHET of thy nation and of thy brethren like unto me: him thou shalt hear.)
019.030 He said: "I am indeed a servant of God: He hath given me revelation and made me a prophet;
019.031 "And He hath made me blessed wheresoever I be, and hath enjoined on me Prayer and Charity as long as I live;
019.032 "(He) hath made me kind to my mother, and not overbearing or miserable;
019.033 "So peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life (again)"!
019.034 Such (was) Jesus the son of Mary: (it is) a statement of truth, about which they (vainly) dispute.
019.035 It is not befitting to (the majesty of) God that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! when He determines a matter, He only says to it, "Be", and it is.
Incarnation and death and resurrection of 'Isa al-Maseeh,
Jesus Christ, the word by whom all has been created by God. (verse 019.033 from above quoted passage 019.030 to 019.035)
019.033 "So peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life (again)"!
Holy Qur'an
Surah 19 - Maryam MARY
019.001 Kaf, Ha, Ya, 'Ain, Sad.
019.002 (This is) a recital of the Mercy of thy Lord to His servant Zakariya.
019.003 Behold! he cried to his Lord in secret,
019.004 Praying: "O my Lord! infirm indeed are my bones, and the hair of my head doth glisten with grey: but never am I unblest, O my Lord, in my prayer to Thee!
019.005 "Now I fear (what) my relatives (and colleagues) (will do) after me: but my wife is barren: so give me an heir as from Thyself,-
019.006 "(One that) will (truly) represent me, and represent the posterity of Jacob; and make him, O my Lord! one with whom Thou art well-pleased!"
019.007 (His prayer was answered): "O Zakariya! We give thee good news of a son: His name shall be Yahya: on none by that name have We conferred distinction before."
019.008 He said: "O my Lord! How shall I have a son, when my wife is barren and I have grown quite decrepit from old age?"
019.009 He said: "So (it will be) thy Lord saith, 'that is easy for Me: I did indeed create thee before, when thou hadst been nothing!'"
019.010 (Zakariya) said: "O my Lord! give me a Sign." "Thy Sign," was the answer, "Shall be that thou shalt speak to no man for three nights, although thou art not dumb."
019.011 So Zakariya came out to his people from his chamber: He told them by signs to celebrate God's praises in the morning and in the evening.
019.012 (To his son came the command): "O Yahya! take hold of the Book with might": and We gave him Wisdom even as a youth,
019.013 And pity (for all creatures) as from Us, and purity: He was devout,
019.014 And kind to his parents, and he was not overbearing or rebellious.
019.015 So Peace on him the day he was born, the day that he dies, and the day that he will be raised up to life (again)!
019.016 Relate in the Book (the story of) Mary, when she withdrew from her family to a place in the East.
019.017 She placed a screen (to screen herself) from them; then We sent to her our angel, and he appeared before her as a man in all respects.
019.018 She said: "I seek refuge from thee to (God) Most Gracious: (come not near) if thou dost fear God."
019.019 He said: "Nay, I am only a messenger from thy Lord, (to announce) to thee the gift of a holy son.
019.020 She said: "How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not unchaste?"
019.021 He said: "So (it will be): Thy Lord saith, 'that is easy for Me: and (We wish) to appoint him as a Sign unto men and a Mercy from Us':It is a matter (so) decreed."
019.022 So she conceived him, and she retired with him to a remote place.
019.023 And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm-tree: She cried (in her anguish): "Ah! would that I had died before this! would that I had been a thing forgotten and out of sight!"
019.024 But (a voice) cried to her from beneath the (palm-tree): "Grieve not! for thy Lord hath provided a rivulet beneath thee;
019.025 "And shake towards thyself the trunk of the palm-tree: It will let fall fresh ripe dates upon thee.
019.026 "So eat and drink and cool (thine) eye. And if thou dost see any man, say, 'I have vowed a fast to (God) Most Gracious, and this day will I enter into not talk with any human being'"
019.027 At length she brought the (babe) to her people, carrying him (in her arms). They said: "O Mary! truly an amazing thing hast thou brought!
019.028 "O sister of Aaron! Thy father was not a man of evil, nor thy mother a woman unchaste!"
019.029 But she pointed to the babe. They said: "How can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle?"
019.030 He said: "I am indeed a servant of God: He hath given me revelation and made me a prophet;
019.031 "And He hath made me blessed wheresoever I be, and hath enjoined on me Prayer and Charity as long as I live;
019.032 "(He) hath made me kind to my mother, and not overbearing or miserable;
019.033 "So peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life (again)"!
019.034 Such (was) Jesus the son of Mary: (it is) a statement of truth, about which they (vainly) dispute.
019.035 It is not befitting to (the majesty of) God that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! when He determines a matter, He only says to it, "Be", and it is.
019.036 Verily God is my Lord and your Lord: Him therefore serve ye: this is a Way that is straight.
019.037 But the sects differ among themselves: and woe to the unbelievers because of the (coming) Judgment of a Momentous Day!
019.038 How plainly will they see and hear, the Day that they will appear before Us! but the unjust today are in error manifest!
019.039 But warn them of the Day of Distress, when the matter will be determined: for (behold,) they are negligent and they do not believe!
019.040 It is We Who will inherit the earth, and all beings thereon: to Us will they all be returned.
019.041 (Also) mention in the Book (the story of) Abraham: He was a man of Truth, a prophet.
019.042 Behold, he said to his father: "O my father! why worship that which heareth not and seeth not, and can profit thee nothing?
019.043 "O my father! to me hath come knowledge which hath not reached thee: so follow me: I will guide thee to a way that is even and straight.
019.044 "O my father! serve not Satan: for Satan is a rebel against (God) Most Gracious.
019.045 "O my father! I fear lest a Penalty afflict thee from (God) Most Gracious, so that thou become to Satan a friend."
019.046 (The father) replied: "Dost thou hate my gods, O Abraham? If thou forbear not, I will indeed stone thee: Now get away from me for a good long while!"
019.047 Abraham said: "Peace be on thee: I will pray to my Lord for thy forgiveness: for He is to me Most Gracious.
019.048 "And I will turn away from you (all) and from those whom ye invoke besides God: I will call on my Lord: perhaps, by my prayer to my Lord, I shall be not unblest."
019.049 When he had turned away from them and from those whom they worshipped besides God, We bestowed on him Isaac and Jacob, and each one of them We made a prophet.
019.050 And We bestowed of Our Mercy on them, and We granted them lofty honour on the tongue of truth.
019.051 Also mention in the Book (the story of) Moses: for he was specially chosen, and he was an apostle (and) a prophet.
019.052 And we called him from the right side of Mount (Sinai), and made him draw near to Us, for mystic (converse).
019.053 And, out of Our Mercy, We gave him his brother Aaron, (also) a prophet.
019.054 Also mention in the Book (the story of) Isma'il: He was (strictly) true to what he promised, and he was an apostle (and) a prophet.
019.055 He used to enjoin on his people Prayer and Charity, and he was most acceptable in the sight of his Lord.
019.056 Also mention in the Book the case of Idris: He was a man of truth (and sincerity), (and) a prophet:
019.057 And We raised him to a lofty station.
019.058 Those were some of the prophets on whom God did bestow His Grace,- of the posterity of Adam, and of those who We carried (in the Ark) with Noah, and of the posterity of Abraham and Israel of those whom We guided and chose. Whenever the Signs of (God) Most Gracious were rehearsed to them, they would fall down in prostrate adoration and in tears.
019.059 But after them there followed a posterity who missed prayers and followed after lusts soon, then, will they face Destruction,-
019.060 Except those who repent and believe, and work righteousness: for these will enter the Garden and will not be wronged in the least,-
019.061 Gardens of Eternity, those which (God) Most Gracious has promised to His servants in the Unseen: for His promise must (necessarily) come to pass.
019.062 They will not there hear any vain discourse, but only salutations of Peace: And they will have therein their sustenance, morning and evening.
019.063 Such is the Garden which We give as an inheritance to those of Our servants who guard against Evil.
019.064 (The angels say:) "We descend not but by command of thy Lord: to Him belongeth what is before us and what is behind us, and what is between: and thy Lord never doth forget,-
019.065 "Lord of the heavens and of the earth, and of all that is between them; so worship Him, and be constant and patient in His worship: knowest thou of any who is worthy of the same Name as He?"
019.066 Man says: "What! When I am dead, shall I then be raised up alive?"
019.067 But does not man call to mind that We created him before out of nothing?
019.068 So, by thy Lord, without doubt, We shall gather them together, and (also) the Evil Ones (with them); then shall We bring them forth on their knees round about Hell;
019.069 Then shall We certainly drag out from every sect all those who were worst in obstinate rebellion against (God) Most Gracious.
019.070 And certainly We know best those who are most worthy of being burned therein.
019.071 Not one of you but will pass over it: this is, with thy Lord, a Decree which must be accomplished.
019.072 But We shall save those who guarded against evil, and We shall leave the wrong-doers therein, (humbled) to their knees.
019.073 When Our Clear Signs are rehearsed to them, the Unbelievers say to those who believe, "Which of the two sides is best in point of position? Which makes the best show in council?"
019.074 But how many (countless) generations before them have we destroyed, who were even better in equipment and in glitter to the eye?
019.075 Say: "If any men go astray, (God) Most Gracious extends (the rope) to them, until, when they see the warning of God (being fulfilled) - either in punishment or in (the approach of) the Hour,- they will at length realise who is worst in position, and (who) weaker in forces!
019.076 "And God doth advance in guidance those who seek guidance: and the things that endure, Good Deeds, are best in the sight of thy Lord, as rewards, and best in respect of (their) eventual return."
019.077 Hast thou then seen the (sort of) man who rejects Our Signs, yet says: "I shall certainly be given wealth and children?"
019.078 Has he penetrated to the Unseen, or has he taken a contract with (God) Most Gracious?
019.079 Nay! We shall record what he says, and We shall add and add to his punishment.
019.080 To Us shall return all that he talks of and he shall appear before Us bare and alone.
019.081 And they have taken (for worship) gods other than God, to give them power and glory!
019.082 Instead, they shall reject their worship, and become adversaries against them.
019.083 Seest thou not that We have set the Evil Ones on against the unbelievers, to incite them with fury?
019.084 So make no haste against them, for We but count out to them a (limited) number (of days).
019.085 The day We shall gather the righteous to (God) Most Gracious, like a band presented before a king for honours,
019.086 And We shall drive the sinners to Hell, like thirsty cattle driven down to water,-
019.087 None shall have the power of intercession, but such a one as has received permission (or promise) from (God) Most Gracious.
019.088 They say: "(God) Most Gracious has begotten a son!"
019.089 Indeed ye have put forth a thing most monstrous!
019.090 As if the skies are ready to burst, the earth to split asunder, and the mountains to fall down in utter ruin.
019.091 That they should invoke a son for (God) Most Gracious.
019.092 For it is not consonant with the majesty of (God) Most Gracious that He should beget a son.
019.093 Not one of the beings in the heavens and the earth but must come to (God) Most Gracious as a servant.
019.094 He does take an account of them (all), and hath numbered them (all) exactly.
019.095 And everyone of them will come to Him singly on the Day of Judgment.
019.096 On those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, will (God) Most Gracious bestow love.
019.097 So have We made the (Qur'an) easy in thine own tongue, that with it thou mayest give Glad Tidings to the righteous, and warnings to people given to contention.
019.098 But how many (countless) generations before them have We destroyed? Canst thou find a single one of them (now) or hear (so much as) a whisper of them?